By Anonymous - 31/08/2010 21:40 - United States

Today, I was forced to spend an extra $318 for another plane ticket to Dallas. The ticket wasn't for my daughter, my mom, or my sister, but for the quarter of my butt that apparently needs its own seat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 885
You deserved it 70 537

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well you gotta feel sorry for the person who might have been sat next to you if you hadn't bought the ticket. They would only get 3/4 of a seat for their butt otherwise :P


Here's a way to fix that: Loose some weight bitch

Csfa19 0

op lose some weight and learn how to control your food intake you fat cow! moo moo

TheComputerGuy96 16

All you people saying "YDI for being fat". You're ******* dumbasses. YES, He CAN lose weight. But that's not going to take like 10 seconds. It takes months. Maybe he already started losing weight weeks before this happened. Who knows? Or he's trying to lose weight (because seriously, if you're so fat you occupy 2 seats, you DO realize you must lose some weight, don't you?) but it is too difficult for him. Or he's obese! So, I agree, your life sucks.

rzbt21 0

I don't think the plane will be able to get into the air with OP on it

No one wants to sit next to someone spilling over in their seat. Stop eating so god damn much.

OP, you can sit next to me on the plane if you'd like, as long as you don't mind me using you as a pillow. I'm assuming you're clean and smell decent, though :)

79DrAwkwArD97 0

Seriously... It may be the person's fault for being fat, but holy shit do you guys come off as ******* assholes for rubbing it in. I'm sure it sucks having to pay for an extra seat in a plane... Embarrassing also... It's bullshit... Cuz, you know, it's terrible to sit next to someone fat... Like you can contract their Fat AIDS or something... Get over yourselves... Skinny people take up less space anyway, and you can get a flight to most places in this country that takes less than 5-6 hours. So quit making people who hate themselves already feel more like shit and share a little of your seat...

It's awkward to sit closely to a stranger for 5-6 hours, and it's not fair to pay for space being taken up by someone else's ass. If the person is embarrassed by their weight, they should do something about it.

Imagine having to sit next to a person who takes up half of YOUR seat that YOU'RE paying for on a 5-hour plane ride. Even if you're not gonna get AIDS or something, simply breathing in that smell of sweat for 5 hours is enough, forget about trying to squeeze past them to use the bathroom. I think the OP needs to understand that and learn that he should have to pay for something he brought unto himself.

It doesn't matter how much space a skinny person is using; the point is, they paid for every inch of that space! It'd be one thing in a bus or subway, somewhere where the seat mate has an option to move or stand, but airplanes generally have pretty strict assigned seating. The smaller person has no option to get up and move. When skinny people are charged less than the average person, your point will be valid. Till then, it's just impolite to take something that someone else paid for. Besides, do you really think obese people are always assigned seats next to skinny people? No way. There are far more average-sizers who have to squeeze into a seat that's too small for them and another quarter of a buttcheek.

iSometimes 5

well why should someone else pay $300+ for only 3 quarters of a seat? not really an fml. if you mind paying extra then just drop a few pounds. but...even if ur dont mind...u should lose some anyways since that means ur really unhealthy...