By smoochie - 01/08/2009 21:37

Today, I was holding my baby daughter during a checkup. To reassure her, I was kissing the back of her head while the Dr. was checking her hearing. After a few minutes, I realized the Dr. had put his hand to steady her head. I was kissing his hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 048
You deserved it 23 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wouldn't you feel the roughness of his hand or something?

I love how accidentally kissing a guy's hand makes you gay, even if you're not attracted to other men Besides the OP could be a woman for all we know. Why have we assumed he's a man?


nikerush2 0

Thats kinda messed up....why didn't he tell you? Or move his hand to make you aware of what you were doing. Maybe the doctor liked it?

T_im_othy 0

Sounds like the beginning of a cheap porno ...

Yeah. Next thing you know, he'll need to take her temperature with a rectal thermometer.

hmmm I've never heard of a classy or expensive porno

chimmy 0

Why didn't the doctor say anything? That's a bit weird, but he probably didn't care/understood.

hahahahha i would love to see the doctors face :)

My guess is the doctor was enjoying it. I mean hey, what if the money isn't always worth it? Perhaps he thought this was just a really appreciative parent.

anonymouschicka 0
jjneep 0

MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA cute dr didnt say anything=he likey ;D