By f*ckingdisgusted - 27/08/2011 01:13 - United States

Today, I was installing updates on my 16 year old daughter's laptop, when I got the urge to snoop around. I found a 5,000 word sex story involving her and the Edward and Jacob weirdos from the Twilight movies. I can't even look her in the eyes. I can't believe I raised this freak. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 696
You deserved it 56 817

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol! Don't go snoop around her stuff! But that is weird...


itsbrookebixch 0

Shouldn't have been snooping around but I agree your life suckssss!

Thus far, it seems that many of us are in agreement that it shows a profound lack of parenting ability and human empathy to call one’s own daughter a “freak” and it is deplorable that OP holds such an opinion of her. However, the main argument here seems to be over a teenage daughter’s right to privacy. While I hardily concur that as a dependent living with one or two adult providers, the juvenile in question does not have the same rights to personal domain as the rest of society, I do not think that she has none at all. Parents often need access to their teenager’s personal space in order to be good parents but that does not entitle them to the complete limitation of a young adult’s formation of an individual identity. It seems that many people are suggesting that because OP may or may not have purchased the laptop on which the prurient story was discovered, he may or may not have had the right to peruse his daughter’s files with abandon. However, whether or not his daughter technically owns the laptop, his parental rights dictate that he should be able to oversee some of her activities while she is cohabiting with him as a dependent. But please note the usage of the partitive article, as a healthy teenager should have the opportunity to indulge in personal space. Where the line is drawn between respecting a child’s privacy and allowing them to pursue their interests without a hovering authority figure is a decision that every parent must make. Regardless of who purchased a technological device, a parent is an authority figure charged with protecting their offspring and a child is still a financially dependent entity living on a provider’s welfare. But in the case of this post, I think that by examining OP’s language in closer detail, the propriety of his actions toward his daughter’s personal materials may be elucidated. OP describes his discovery of the disturbing story as being prompted by an “urge to snoop around,” indicating that in searching his daughter’s computer, his motivations were not entirely pure. If it had been out of a desire to curb dangerous activities or protect her from pernicious forces that he invaded her privacy, his actions would be deemed solid parenting. But instead, OP seems to have been acting out of his own self interest, seeking pleasure by looking at his daughter’s documents instead of studying them out of concern for her welfare. Because it was for personal amusement that OP looked through his daughter’s personal files instead of a desire protect her, I firmly believe that his actions were both offensive and an invasion of privacy.

It appears to me that most of you are missing the blatant DOUBLE STANDARD that this post asserts. Imagine that OP was installing updates on his SON’s laptop and discovered evidence that his son had been viewing pornography. As a father (I am here assuming OP’s gender for the sake of argument), he may have felt it was necessary to initiate some sort of discussion with his son on the subject, but he would not have thought of him as a “freak.” OP probably had access to some form of pornography when he was a teenage boy and he would not begrudge his son a little sexual curiosity. In modern society, it is almost rare to find a man who managed to reach adulthood without perusing some sort of erotic imagery for pleasure, especially with the prolific and ubiquitous internet that plays such a large role in the lives of many teenagers. But it was his daughter, not his son, who he realized had access to sexual material and was thinking sexual thoughts. So instead of just going through the normal and healthy sexual exploration of the teenage experience, she is considered a freak. This post is just another lamentable representation of the inherent gender inequality and suppression of female sexuality that is still evident in our society. In fact, his daughter ought to be lauded for exploring her own sexuality in such a productive and riskless fashion. Instead of engaging in risky behavior through physical experimentation, she is exercising her creative prowess in order to establish her personal sexual identity. I would argue that fanfiction is a far more healthy and interesting way to develop one’s sexuality (which let us remember is an important and standard part of the transition from childhood to adulthood) than ****. OP’s daughter is honing her writing skills, exercising creative thought, and probably participating in an online community of like minded teenagers. But because she is female, she is scorned since our society is still wary of definitive expressions of female sexuality. Her father (or mother possibly) believes she is “a freak” because deep down he/she refuses to accept that woman are capable of the same level of sexual desire as men. I think that it is truly sad that we live in a world where women are not free to express their sexuality through healthy channels without being considered “freaks.”

loseyaselfbit 6

What happened to "I love you no matter what." Sure its a bit odd but there is no need to put this out here for alot of people to see. Just be happy she is fantasizing and not actually trying to live the fantasy out. YDI for lacking to respect her privacy.

And the rant against the op continues... Keep up with it guys :) Op, I hope you learned your lesson from these comments, because if you dont, (grabs H&K G3 rifle, cocks it) i'll be waitng for you, asshole. you do not treat your daughter that way, snoop through her personal files, read her fic, call her a freak, and do not POST YOUR DISCOVERY ON THE INTERNET HOPING TO EMBARASS YOUR DAUGHTER ANONIMOUSLY WHICH IS THE WORST, AND I MEAN THE WORST THING TO DO AS A PARENT. YOU ASSHOLE, YOU DONT DESERVE HER, I MEAN IT, YOU DONT DESERVE HER AS YOUR DAUGHTER..

half of FML is made of 16 year olds, and we all agree that parents should stop snooping!

I don't like Twilight either, but wow, what kind of a parent are you to refer to your own child as a freak? And to snoop in her private files, and then to post your findings on the Internet. You deserve what you got for your snooping. It's just a phase, but in the meantime your daughter has a parent giving her a disapproving attitude all the time over something minor and harmless. Way to give her a complex. I consider this poor girl unfortunate to have to live with someone like you. No wonder she's fantasizing about vampires and werewolves for companions.

Did you ever have a **** Mag when you were 16? Its the same thing it not a big deal so don't make it out to be one.