By Anonymous - 27/11/2013 02:39 - United States - Bakersfield

Today, I was searched and questioned at the airport for having an apple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 954
You deserved it 4 784

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31


AlittleSanity 11

Duh! Apples only keep doctors away!

Ever heard of quarantine? It's not the apple that is the danger. It is the diseases it may carry and potentially harm an area free of those particular diseases...

robbins28 7

One bite makes your taste buds go boom!

Not sure if apple device or apple as in the fruit

If it were a device, the A would be capitalized. Since it isn't, it's the fruit.

catkat1988 17

Apples supposedly keep doctors away, but definitely not airport security guards. I've made that experience as well. I know why the rule is in place, but they made it sound like I was smuggling heroin or something.

ViviMage 38

There was a recent bust over the Canadian border with a hollowed out pumpkin filled with cocaine. Also, some fruit can harbor insects not native to the destination (Ie, Brazilian wandering spiders -- world's deadliest spider -- in bananas)

Missyeru 14

Maybe they thought you were the evil queen?

"What I need Is a good defense 'Cause I'm feelin' Like a criminal" Wait-- that's Fiona Apple

I can't believe nobody has made a "How do you like *them* apples" joke yet...

that's because they didn't like them apples. :'( they felt threatened by them apples. :(

If you're traveling internationally, there are strict regulations regarding what you can and can't bring with you. I have a friend who was detained over coconuts and a chocolate bar.