By scaredshitless - 07/08/2009 04:11 - United States

Today, I was taking a serious shit when the light bulb burned out. I am terrified of the dark and began wailing and crying. My mom had to pick the lock and get me out. I'm a 17 year old guy and captain of the Varsity football team. My little brother recorded it and plans on showing everyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 369
You deserved it 65 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is pretty good blackmail material. Better be nice to your bro.

lolzRaptor 1

If it was a very serious shit, you would have not taken your mind off of such a serious excrement, therefore there would be no crying and no FML, so it obviously wasn't a serious shit, just a normal one.


deni_kaos 0

man, pulling practical jokes on you would be sooo easy. you kind of deserve it for being afraid of the dark. you're 17, you should be capable of rational thought by now.

SpieceTexas55 0

Wow you're a disgrace to Texas high school football

You're captain of the varsity football team, I think you can manage to recover that tape from your younger brother.

generalsmith2 0

do you sleep with the lights on you douche?

FlaminYawn 0

why would she need to get u out? That's when u wipe urself 10 good times in the dark, or more, whenever u know u've got it all, and then ur done and can leave the bathroom. You weren't locked in, the light just went out...

Denz_fml 0

I hope he shows the up!

WitchCirce 0

I'm willing to bet every single person who's commented on this FML calling the OP a pussy or a fag or some other derogatory, insulting name has a phobia. How about we lock you in a room with your most crippling fear and see how you fare?

Go ahead. pro tip: Phobia is an irrational fear to something. Good luck.

that sucks, and FYL, but ... I don't know. I don't think much could stop me from taking that serious shit. Maybe it's just because I'm not afraid of the dark