By scaredshitless - 07/08/2009 04:11 - United States

Today, I was taking a serious shit when the light bulb burned out. I am terrified of the dark and began wailing and crying. My mom had to pick the lock and get me out. I'm a 17 year old guy and captain of the Varsity football team. My little brother recorded it and plans on showing everyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 369
You deserved it 65 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is pretty good blackmail material. Better be nice to your bro.

lolzRaptor 1

If it was a very serious shit, you would have not taken your mind off of such a serious excrement, therefore there would be no crying and no FML, so it obviously wasn't a serious shit, just a normal one.


I read this and just had this mental image of the OP and his beloved girl friend sitting in his bed room, parents gone for the evening, and his girlfriend just sexily sits up, and right before she takes off her pants, reaches over and flips the light switch off. I've heard that nothing turns women on like complete mental breakdowns over irrational phobias. But really, that sucks...

Actually... some women might really get turned on by that. 8D *LOL* We're not all delicate damsels in need of rescuing. ;)

Fail_Pig 0

YDI for burning the light out.

Uepari 0
Aoife 0

Hey, it's okay. I have an irrational fear of ants. Almost everyone has weird phobias. Fear of the dark's pretty normal or something, I don't see how this makes him a "pussy." However, I don't think your life is particularly '******', so I'm not voting at all. Also: For those people who ask how his brother recorded it, please, please, PLEASE use your heads. He was wailing, his mom had to unlock the door. He probably filmed his mom picking the lock to the sound of this guy's crying.

Your brother is awesome. In other news, you should kill yourself.

seriouslyFML1 0 are pretty much the biggest ****** ever, you suck at life, 17 and afraid of the dark? if i knew you i'd beat the hell out of you!

Dude... If it's a phobia, don't worry about it, maybe people will understand... but if not... Why ARE you afraid of the dark? I guess I will never understand that... I must have been one of the only children to never have needed a night light.

toughluck08 0

Best believe I will be looking for this on YouTube :)

BrutalMofo 0

Hey EVERYONE THAT IS CARED OF THE DARK close your eyes, haha it makes me laugh and its so pathetic when I hear or read that someone is scared of the dark.