By DisgustinglyFrustrated - 10/10/2013 15:40 - Argentina - Rosario

Today, I was talking dirty to my long-distance lover while touching myself, when a cockroach fell from my ceiling and landed on the hand I was molesting myself with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 260
You deserved it 18 029

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GwennaRose 22

Maybe the cockroach just wanted to get in on the action

Threesome? Oh god, that was a horrible image. *throws up*


RedX1000FML 11

Poor Cockroach. Forever Alone.

bludanzr 2

sounds like its a sign from above to stop!

bobo_the_bear 5

You stopped! Your nothing more than a cockroach tease.

kitsune309 15
bobo_the_bear 5
MikeonFML 17

I feel like the phraseology made it seem feminine, could be either though.

You're gross for not cleaning your apartment!

Having roaches is definitely disgusting, but it doesn't mean her apartment isn't clean. Clean places are actually just as likely to get bugs as dirty ones when you share walls with other units, and they are very hard to get rid of.

imagineapc 11

I'm more curious to know why you say you are molesting yourself....

mo·lest /məˈlest/ Verb Pester or harass (someone), typically in an aggressive or persistent manner. Assault or abuse (a person, esp. a woman or child) sexually. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Definitely not meanings that you can usually attribute to jacking off yourself.

I dunno, maybe she was going so hard she rubbed the skin off? I think that would qualify as self-abuse.

thats actually not the only definition, it can also mean to fondle for finger but only if its being used to describe an action. It has negative connotations now days but I had a book that was from about the 1800s and they use it to describe a woman touching or the lace along the table cloth. (background the character is blind and she's trying to understand her world through touch)

perdix 29

Good thing you had your hand there. Probably kept the roach from getting a hole-in-one, if you know what I mean ;)

Thanks for that image that will haunt my dreams.

perdix 29

#77, just don't think of Roach Motel, where roaches check in, but they don't check out, and you'll be OK;)