By BoomHeadshot - 02/05/2012 02:27 - Australia

Today, I was trying to sneak home from a party. Instead, I head-butted a glass door and woke my mother up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 633
You deserved it 32 859

Same thing different taste

Top comments

linkinpark98 23

Wow... I guess Windex really does do wonders!


Mister_Triangle 21

Say that you were having nightmares about robbers breaking in through that door, so you head-butt it to test it's strength. Also that you're not drunk, you're just half-asleep

Psh I headbutt glass doors even when I'm not drunk. :b

Why do people post stupid shit like this expecting pity? You deffinetly deserve it.

MEM0817 18

Drink less the next time you try sneaking back in from a party...? or just be smart and crash at a friends house that night!

hellbilly205 17

I prefer passing out in my yard.

MEM0817 18

I'd rather sleep it off in my bed. The yard is full of bugs and crap, although it does sound interesting. I use to just tell my Mom I was spending the night at a friends house, go out and party all night, then go home but would wait around the corner for my moms car to leave for work in the morning. Haha.

linkinpark98 23

16 - Alriiight! Welcome to the club. :3

amberxxoo 6

You must have a big head if by hitting it on a door it makes enough noise to wake someone from sleep.

This is not true, some people are light sleepers and others are deep sleepers. For instance I can walk on my carpet floor and my mother would wake up from the noise my foot makes when taking a step, I think the word is creases in the floor.

hellbilly205 17

See when i sneak in from a party i avoid things like hitting a door with my head, you should try an be more careful you could of hurt the door.

breeY0 7

next time leave pjs in your car or something & change before going in, if you wake her up you have a better chance at bullshitting an excuse about being home the whole time !