By Teeny - 09/03/2010 21:13 - United States

Today, I was using my fiancé's phone to look up movie times for us. In the internet browser, I found history of him looking on Craigslist for "discreet intimate relationships with women" in our city. We are expecting our little boy in two months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 082
You deserved it 3 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should confront him by answering the ad, or you could chop his dick off while he sleeps. Either one would be pretty funny.


trust your man enough to not look at his history and maybe he will sex you when you're preggo and undesirable.

Kimi_kobayashi 0

If your fiance is one of those guys that just can't commit, Instead of staying together "for the child" you can't let yourself be hurt by this man just because you want your baby to have a father. I grew up with a dad that cheated on my mom constantly, then suddenly he left us without even saying goodbye. We have an okay relationship now, but i'm glad he left when he did because my mom went from being miserable to being happy, and she became a better mom as a result of him leaving. So don't feel afraid to go it alone if you are sure that he is never going to commit to you, because a child is better off with one happy mother, rather than 2 miserable parents that hate each other.

itz_towelie 6

or 2 mothers? that way everyones happy

muffinsareyummy 1

If he can do that and not feel guilty, he obviously isn't the one you are ment to be with. I hope I don't sound nasty or rude when I say this, but leave him. Let him have his s***ks and find somebody worth your time. There is somebody more deserving of your love out there somewhere, you just need to find him. You could still let him visit your child, but don't stay with him. You and your child will be better off without him. Find somebody who cares for you, but don't cut him out of your child's life completely unless it is truly necessary.

bostonfan696 0

omg get back to the kitchen now u little babies

Nosy much? Yea, It's bad that he was looking for an affair. But if you dont trust him enough to check the history of his phone's internets browser? Then that relationship is definitely not going to work. I'm not saying you should turn a blind eye to suspicious activity, just that's taking it a little too far. . . in my opinion. Still, he is def an a-hole. FYL.