By blegh - 27/12/2011 21:50 - United Kingdom

Today, my 18-year-old son asked me if I was a virgin. I still don't know what to say to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 138
You deserved it 8 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dpope06 0

guessing no one had the "talk" with him. lol fyl and your sons


Virgin Mary My Love, & He's The Second Coming Of Christ.

blackstar994 5

8 already said that... You're 25 comments too late...

blackstar994 5

Damn I thumbed up... Meant to thumb down...

icantthinkofgood 5

Why Are You Capitalizing Every Word?

Wat a dumbass how does he think he was born

darf1023 3

Maybe he thinks he was either adopted or SPAWNED!!!

Maybe your son just had a brain fart, just wait for the air to clear and he'll understand.

koolkat27 13

maybe op thought that he had already learned about it from school. isn't it supposed to be in the curriculum?

blackstar994 5

No, the teachers just hand out condoms.

ArielTheMermaid 17

Don't have sex cuz you will get pregnant and die....ok now everyone take some rubbers.

SystemofaBlink41 27

You know how I feel about my comment being removed? FURIOUS! OUTRAGED! SICK WITH ANGER!

Just say yes, if he hasn't figured it out by now he never will!

YDI. YOUR child is the product of YOUR rearing.