By blegh - 27/12/2011 21:50 - United Kingdom

Today, my 18-year-old son asked me if I was a virgin. I still don't know what to say to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 138
You deserved it 8 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dpope06 0

guessing no one had the "talk" with him. lol fyl and your sons


Obryn 9

Proper response is: "What do you think, SON? No, really, tell me your thoughts, SON!"

justspin 7

As stupid as this is, I kinda love it. Makes your point. But I also read it as someone yelling all of it....

And this is why you need to talk to your kids about sex. Or allow them to watch ****.

I would say ignorance is bliss But in this case it's just scary

mommykrissy_05 7

I think you need to sit your son down and have "the talk" with him right away! Because you failed miserably with the sex talk the first time or you never had the talk at all. Do you want to be a grandparent now? I don't think so. FAIL!

Whatever you say to him, make sure to use words of one syllable and bring cue cards as well, Your son is clearly very slow, and special, so it might take some time .

my mother never gave me the the "talk" and i'm glad she didn't! that would have been the most awkward moment of my life. i already know, probably too much about sex at my age, (i'm 13), due to school, media, and friends. So i didn't need it at all. To people saying not giving someone the "talk" makes you a bad mother, my mother is a really good one.

It's probably fair to say that none of those sources will give an even remotely accurate impression of how sex actually is... Talking to an adult about it is fairly worthwhile, it just makes sense that it'd be a parent.

well maybe your right, but i only need the basics, and i can find things out for myself when i'm older. Talking to my parent about it would not be productive for me, because that would be a nightmare. Its an intimate subject, and i am the type of person who gets embarrassed very easily.

and also i do think its fair to say school gives me trustworthy facts, if not the other sources. I don't know how recently you went to school but they actually give you a lot of information about the process, what happens after, protection, etc.. if not the actual experience.

I agree, I'm a young teen and I know a lot. My parents haven't ever really given me "the talk". That would be really awkward and also there's no need and they know it. I'm exposed to all sorts of information easily. Friends, sex ed at school, ****, slash fic, etc.

You might want to double up on the birds and the bees / Just Say No talks, OP. and you are about 10 years late - I just has the sex talk with my nine year old boy yesterday! YDI.

Trickiest_K 9

FFS have the talk with your kid will you !