By blegh - 27/12/2011 21:50 - United Kingdom

Today, my 18-year-old son asked me if I was a virgin. I still don't know what to say to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 138
You deserved it 8 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dpope06 0

guessing no one had the "talk" with him. lol fyl and your sons


Have u given him the talk or is he just a bit slow??? Either way..., u need to do something bout that one :)


How can you be a virgin if you have a son?

Tell him you are a "technical" virgin, then explain that to him, then watch him as he reels in horror and crumbles to the floor like a vampire in the sunlight

zebrapattern 6
jmm23 0

Maybe he means when you were younger

Give him Internet access, teach him about "Google", then tell him he is unclear on the concept. Let him figure it out.

He is old enough, that you should ask him the questions. How he thinks he was born. Make him ration it out. Somewhere down the line he got confused. Good luck OP

OP's gender at the top says male... I don't know what to say to that.