By pandroida - 25/10/2009 15:56 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend admitted to checking out other girls when he's with me. In his defense, "he doesn't look at their face or boobs. Just their ass." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 347
You deserved it 5 754

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Silentknight 0

that's a lousy defense. but that doesn't make him the only boyfriend who looks; it just makes him the only one who admits it. give him extra points for honesty, and make it clear that he can look but don't touch.

perdix 29

Tell him that's OK, when you check out other guys, you're not looking at their cocks, just the balls. Fair's fair.


on one hand, it can be annoying and the other people do have eyes. i would look too. depends on the situation and what ur doing together

riketbal 0

I agree with #2. You are a whiny Bitch. Either that or he does not want to look at your ass?

You do realize that pretty much all guys do this? Ad it usually includes their faces and boobs as well as asses lol. So if him checking out other girls bothers you, you're lucky you've got him and not someone else lol.

visage 0

We all look at other women... it's a parr of life. my gf and I practice the three second rule. Brief looks at other women is exactly what he's thinking about while boning you. Sump him if you'd like, but the next one will do the same.

oh no... seriously who cares? u have a boyfriend, looking isn't cheating. If he's faithful get over it. YDI for making mountains out of mole hills

jw90 18

so what! why is it so wrong for guys to look at girls, but when a girl looks at a guy it's like whatever? YDI cuz I'm sure you look at guys and wonder how much bigger their dicks are compared to your bfs. fhl is more like it.

threer 30

Nope.. Girls don't generally do that. Lol

Glam_fml 0

Oh, come on. Pretty much everyone in a relatuonship, including us women as well, look when an attractive person enters our field of view. I know I do it. It doesn't mean I don't love him, don't find him attractive, or want to leave him. It's just human nature.

sillyteengirl 0

uh..i don't see the prob here every guy looks and even some girls look at guys once in a while get over it just remember hes with u

He's just staring at them. It's not a big deal

gangsterbert 0


It's ok, no need for the almighty caps lock rage or giving yourself an aneurism