By what the fuck - 07/06/2013 21:20 - United Kingdom - Northolt

Today, my boyfriend and I were about to get intimate for the first time. He said he didn't want to use a condom, and that I should just give him one of my birth control pills instead, "so we can still be just as safe". What the hell? FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 827
You deserved it 9 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like you shouldn't be having sex with him anyway if that's his preferred form of "being safe".

Don't risk it - he'll just add stupid to the gene pool.


TheyCallMeDamien 17

You really want to risk passing along those genes?

Sounds like you two need to wait, youre obviously not prepared. Even though the idea of him wanting the pill is stupid.

I think it's obvious which head he was thinking with when he spouted that wisdom!

He sounds too dumb for sex. Leave him. Leave him now.

...dear God please tell me you didn't have sex.

Considering OP thought it was dumb enough that she posted the story on FML, I'm assuming she knew and decided not to risk it.

Now I'm wondering if he's done that before

Oh god, please don't fornicate with this man. If you're not sure what you're doing then inform yourself first before engaging in such activities that can really mess someone's life up.

Why does he have to use a condom if you take birth control pills?

Sweetpea22 14

Seriously? Let me guess, Abstinence only education? If you took sex ed, you would have learned the pill can fail so it's better to use two types of birth control.

CharresBarkrey 15

Pills don't protect against STI's, there are certain medications that make BC pills ineffective for a full cycle, there's a chance you CAN get pregnant on the pill, if you don't take the pill at the same time everyday it becomes less effective... Really there are tons of reasons to use both.

That was cute though! He clearly needs to learn a thing or two, but the fact that he wanted to be the one to protect you both is just adorable. XD

Pensu 12

Not sure I see what's adorable about his very selfishly refusing to use a condom.

Cute? Are you stupid? Never mind, I already know the answer to that question. What I want to know is how is it "cute" for a guy to be so dumb that he thinks that birth control pills work when men take them? How is it "cute" that this jerk doesn't want to use a condom? There is absolutely nothing cute about this.