By rejected4555 - 03/08/2012 12:14 - United States

Today, my boyfriend asked me if I wanted to go to the gym with him, and I responded that we could do another kind of workout upstairs. He quickly said he'd rather just go to the gym. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 155
You deserved it 6 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well I would rather have a full gym to workout with, apposed to that shitty bowflex you have upsta- wait... you... oh...

Show him your **** and he might reconsider.


patacus 14

maybe he was trying to give you a hint. like, he doesn't wanna workout with you until you um... workout.

cajekraze 7

A few things OP. He must have a reason to want you to go to the gym, and I think afterworkout sex is great. You're already on an endorphin high and your muscles are looser. He might be saying that you're getting a bit chunky for his taste

Violent_Syd 2

**** him, my boyfriend does the same shit to me, I'll ask him for some oral and he'll say take a shower, I'll reply with I have and then he says he's not in the mood anyways

he's hinting you should hit the gym, got a little too much junk in your trunk

KiddNYC1O 20
hateevryone 14

Does your repertoire of "exercises" include any that actually make him work? If not, he may just be trying to keep looking good for you.

You should have specified… Maybe he didn't get it....

In my experience, the testosterone from a proper gym work-out makes guys want the upstairs work-out a LOT when they're done. So just go to the gym, then continue working out when you get home. You can never get too much exercise ;)