By rejected4555 - 03/08/2012 12:14 - United States

Today, my boyfriend asked me if I wanted to go to the gym with him, and I responded that we could do another kind of workout upstairs. He quickly said he'd rather just go to the gym. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 155
You deserved it 6 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well I would rather have a full gym to workout with, apposed to that shitty bowflex you have upsta- wait... you... oh...

Show him your **** and he might reconsider.


lexiieeex3 32

Maybe he doesn't like sex... With you...

For shame.... You can burn more calories through sex than running on a treadmill. Tell him that next time, OP!

Guys think its really hot when their girlfriends workout with them maybe he wanted to workout and have sex with you later.

Or he wanted to show off maybe? I like going to the beach with my girlfriend, so I'm thinking, "maybe the dude got the same mentality."

captainburke 5

Aw that's mean, maybe he didn't get the hint

mermaidgirle 12

It was nice that he asked her to go. I'm not very sociable when I work out, and hate to ask anyone along with me. Besides, as some pointed out; sex after a workout is GREAT. You're feeling good about yourself, you can enjoy a sensual twofer shower post-gym....

coughyochick 7

Maybe he likes to stay in shape for you?

he's a boy. he probably didn't understand what u ment. guys really can't take a hint

Why don't women understand that a guy's workout time is sacred. I love hittin the gym and pumping iron and feeling good about myself. There's always time to pet the pussy later!

If the gym takes priority 100% of the time, the girl's gonna feel unimportant and unattractive. And then, she'll leave.

I didn't say it should take priority 100% of time, as if every time he goes to the gym she's going to want sex. That's silly. Maybe the next time she wants sex he'll be watching TV or reading a book, and he'll put down what he's doing and have sex. Not so complicated.

Schizomaniac 24

63, you didn't think that one through, did you? For him to choose gym over sex 100% of the time she does not need to want to have sex every time he goes to the gym. He just needs to choose the gym every time he's given the option to either go to the gym or "pet the pussy", as you so eloquently put it.

What's the difference between a good workout and sex?

RedPillSucks 31

Sounds like he already has a gym/work out routine and wanted you to be included in it. You should have gone with him, worked out and then continued strength training at home. ;) Don't sabotage it! Going to the gym is important to many. I go 4 times a week and hate breaking my exercise schedule.