By rejected4555 - 03/08/2012 12:14 - United States

Today, my boyfriend asked me if I wanted to go to the gym with him, and I responded that we could do another kind of workout upstairs. He quickly said he'd rather just go to the gym. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 155
You deserved it 6 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well I would rather have a full gym to workout with, apposed to that shitty bowflex you have upsta- wait... you... oh...

Show him your **** and he might reconsider.


BouyantDuckie 0
Austyn57 1

Uhh. Either he's really dumb or you're just bad at sex.

reject him next time...he'll know the feeling...and then he'll never reject it again...

Sex isn't a weapon and the people who use it as such don't deserve to be in any sort of relationship longer than the time it takes to have sex.

ganjaone 2
kitsune3 20

Don't feel too bad, OP. Maybe he just wasn't in the mood. Sometimes you have to have the right vibe going, and if it's not there, even playing sometimes can't get you there. There are times for being spontaneous and there are times it just doesn't work. I'm sure he enjoys that kind of "workout" with you. ;) It just wasn't time for a spontaneous session, that's all.

Go to the gym first. Then he'll be more willing to do the other workout,