By anonymous - 14/05/2012 10:31 - United States - Havelock

Today, my boyfriend started laughing during sex because my boobs are slightly different. He then broke up with me after I pointed out that his nuts aren't exactly even either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 676
You deserved it 6 422

Same thing different taste

Top comments

toenibbler 14

One does not simply joke about other peoples' private parts, it generally ends badly.


Everyone is different in their own way, OP.

My bf loves that my left boob is a D and my right one is a DD. The left one fits in his hand perfectly, the right one doesn't. Your now ex-bf is a douchebag, be glad you got out of it before it was too late.

If your boyfriend payed attention in Sex Ed. he'd know most guys have one ball lower than the other.

Such children! No body part is perfectly symmetrical. As far as men's nuts go the left one always hangs lower than the right so that they can lay comfortably together. I like the difference in boob size, I can fantasize I'm with two different women depending on which one I'm holding.

WRONG!!!!!!!! It is NOT always the left one. It's just the bigger one... which can be left or right.

Daddymo 14

If you're left-handed then left one hangs lower, if you're right handed then the right one hangs lower.

Ambidextrous** >.> it's not always the left, or always the right, or the one that corresponds to which hand you write with. It's just how your body formed. Completely random. Also, I have never met anyone who's boobs were exactly the same. One is always bigger, or hangs a little lower or is shaped a little differently. Again, it's completely random and only based on how your body formed.

twisted_cherub 14

Approximately 75% of males have their left ******** descend first and therefore hang lower than the right. And Spazz is right: It has nothing to do with dominant hand or brain hemisphere.

KendratheUnicorn 0

Well thanks for sharing that.

mhopper 13

96, so you've never been with a woman with fake ****?

reddudeover 2

If your balls are even you have a problem... either way find a guy that will enjoy you and your boobs without being such a child about it.

If they were even, it would probably feel like getting a nut tap every step

Somebody is just slightly immature.

YVilla18 0

If he laughed during sex at your boobs, he's immature. FHL not yours.

perdix 29

I don't think that's the real reason. Ask your friends what they think of mismatched nuts, and when one of them says she likes 'em, then you found your real reason.