By Gabi - 20/02/2012 14:23 - United States

By Gabi - 20/02/2012 14:23 - United States
By Anonymous - 23/06/2022 18:00
By Jena - 05/08/2022 01:00 - United States - Portland
By hannieannie - 09/02/2016 21:51 - United Kingdom - Oxford
By Anonymous - 13/05/2024 08:00 - United States - Babylon
By Anonymous - 05/01/2010 07:16 - United States
By Ananimus - 26/08/2015 12:31 - United States - Peekskill
By SickofhisBs - 06/07/2022 12:00
By Anonymous - 20/11/2019 18:00
By Anonymous - 07/02/2024 11:00 - United States - Citrus Heights
By lonelygal69 - 19/08/2015 05:54 - United States - Stafford
Has it occurred to anyone that maybe he just wasn't in the mood that night?
Sex takes energy. Maybe he was too tired for the whole process and wanted a quickie by himself?
U got it
Awe )= I feel bad for you. Are you ugly? Or something?
You're extremely rude. And frankly, not that attractive yourself.
#53. And I care because? It's the way I am. I find myself very attractive but you on the other hand... /=
I think she is very attractive #53 u should look at a mirror before u call someone ugly
#64 why thank you!
I think you just thrive on being a **** and making rude comments. Does it make you feel better to be a bitch to people on the Internet??
And 71 wins!
#71 Sorry hun but that's the way I am in person also. I find it funny that you guys are jelly that I'm attractive and you aren't. Sorry guys you ain't bothering me. (=
LOL at the fact that you think I'm jealous of a 16 year old with, what's probably, a fake picture. No little one I am not jealous of you because I am beautiful. I never said you were ugly so don't even try that with me. I said you're a ****... You can be a pretty ****. I have seen nothing but rude comments from you. If you are so pretty like you think you are then you shouldn't need to insult others to make yourself happy. And child, don't call me hun. :)
I should care because...? And the picture isn't fake... Maybe I am a **** idk but what I know is I'm a bitch if I don't like you... You will know it. Oh I'm 16 big deal and yes you are jelly cuz have you looked at yourself. Your just a mess. I'm not a child have a nice life. (=
Lol you must have self esteem issues. Hahahaha
You are a child and you act like one. I am far from a mess and if you wanna try to insult me at least learn to spell. You're* the one who is obviously a mess... Messed up in the head. Go back to high school little one!
Yes I'm totally messed in the head. Lol ok. I graduate this year. Yes I act like a child ok hun what ever floats your boat
#88 First of all, you're* second of all being under 18 means you're not legal which makes you a child. Also, I agree with do seem to have self esteem issues. Just because OP's boyfriend prefers to get himself off single handedly doesn't mean that OP is ugly...looks don't have everything to do with sex. You've just proved that you're an immature child in your above comments. Grow up. But I guess that's what should be expected from a 16 year old CHILD.
Wow you graduate this year but you don't even know proper grammar? That's sad.
Lol big deal I'm 16. Who gives a ****? And yes I'm graduating. I'm 16 just cuz I'm not as mature as you guys doesn't me have to call me a child. And boo don't have self a steam issues
Self a steam?! Wtf?!
And boo if you have to insult others to make yourself feel better that points to one thing... Self ESTEEM issues...
#101 "self a steam"? Alright, please learn how to spell things correctly. It's self esteem. And yes, that does make you a child. Once again you have proved that. You've got a lot to learn. Boy, I don't remember being as ignorant as you are when I was your age, but hey, it's all a learning process. Have a nice life (:
now that is not only demoralizing but rude. Here's an idea next time turn the TV onto the cooking channel with some gay guy as the host. That will mess with his head. moral is don't ingnor your girl
cut off his hands. problem solved.
why is my comment moderated? i didn't see anything wrong with it. it just said "cut his hands off, problem solved." nothing inappropriate.
I got a girlfriend one time cause I was too lazy to jerk off turns out having a girlfriend takes way more energy and then jerking off
Ouch I feel sorry for you
My boyfriend did that this morning. But I didn't want to have sex haha
Soooo, why are you with him?
Break his hand.