By tinytitty - 23/03/2009 03:18 - United States

Today, my crush and I were hooking up and as he slipped his hands up my shirt in order to "feel me up" he started rubbing around my whole torso. When I asked him what he was doing, he replied, "Well I was looking for your boobs but… apparently you have none." FML
I agree, your life sucks 104 398
You deserved it 9 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

partake_fml 2

Yeah, so what? Do the same with his dick/muscles.

do you have small boobs? what was he expecting, they'd be bigger underneath your shirt or something. Small boobs are hot, don't waste time with a guy who won't appreciate them.


lulwut it's not that hard.. poor girl. i am sorry :( agree with #1 haha.

Maybe the lad just has jolly awesome sense of humour.

Anonymus101 4

He's such a dumbass, dump his ass.

afj67, you're not a perv. there's something wrong with you. see how i turned that around?

StephanieSays 0

38 beat me to it. the only way to get a bigger chest and maintain your former body size everywhere else is surgery. sorry folks. D:

pencilmustache 0

why do assholes click "You deserved that"?

cadillacgal79 32

2 possibilities: Mis click or badge earners

#47 lol maybe a mis click?? yeah is an ass hole

#46, StephanieSays, birth control works too, since it increases your estrogen intake. also, if you eat hormone enhanced / injected chicken breast, it can also make your breasts grow larger, since some chicken in the US are hormone treated to enlarge their breast size, for eatting pleasure.

#19 you rule. I miss Tourettes Guy. He will be missed

well due to milk wont work..ill just say it...implants? also hasnt this fml been done