By Anonymous - 21/02/2015 13:46

Today, my dad gave my younger brother condoms and a pat on the back, even though he doesn't have a girlfriend. This is after called me a whore after he saw me kissing my long-term boyfriend last week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 160
You deserved it 4 059

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your dad is aware of what century it is, right?

LizetteBerenice 22


You dont need to let it bother you. Ok? Because one day when ur brother forgets to use the condom and hes gotta baby on the way your dad will realize what he did in the first place by giving him them! keep your head up ok! and kiss your boyfriend whenever and however! you are not a ***** by the way!!

i_needa_username 17

If I have kids, regardless of gender I'd give them encouragement and condoms. Sex is awesome, not shameful. I'd rather my kid do it safely than get pregnant or get someone pregnant.

It's pretty sad how this kind of thing still happens within families, too. Sorry OP.

sometimes the feeling of kiss was wonderful than sex

brieannamadelynn 8

Dads do that. My dad told me the other day that I was different from my brother because I'm a girl and said I have to wait till marriage to have sex... I really don't understand fathers.

jagott90 4

Your dad is a sexist pig. Not every father is a sexist pig. You just won the father lottery. Also, you should ask your dad what he's going to do if your brother goes out and impregnates a girl or better yet multiple girls. Has he even thought about that?

countryb_cth 38

Also if girls are different and have to wait till marriage to have sex then, unless they are gay, who are the guys going to have sex with.

nice to see this particular double-standard is still alive and well... *rolls eyes*

Gotta love double standards am I right?