By ashleyevans - 04/04/2009 14:45 - United States

Today, my friend and I went to a really expensive restaurant. We got really bad service, so halfway through the meal we decided to dine-and-dash. Turns out I left my purse in the restaurant. With my I.D. and everything inside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 001
You deserved it 192 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tehrevenant 0

Why would you EVER think that was okay? "Oh, the service sucks, I'll just steal the food." YDI.

This_Guy 0

I hate people like you. You deserve everything thats going to happen to you.


I'm sure the prosecutors and judge are going to have a nice laugh about this, after they use FML as further evidence! I hope this shoots to the top of the FML Flops, because YDI more than anything. Update: I just realized that you put your name, too. ******* IDIOT, WOWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!

SpunkT 0

Also a lot of idiots think waiting tables is easy and so they have a very poor judge of what "bad service" is. You've never been a waitress cause a waitress would never pull that shit. You know it doesn't matter how shitty the service is, you don't leave without paying and you don't leave with tipping either. Waitresses (at least in the US) don't make your standard minimum wage. Even if the service is slow, at least give 15% I mean for ****'s sake. How do you know they weren't new? And unless they ****** up a lot anything less than 10% just makes you a giant asshole. I've never tipped less than 15%. Hell I rarely do that cause I know what it's like dealing with you ******* assholes. I had a table walk out on me and I had to pay $30 for someone else's meal. Luckily I've also worked in places that didn't make me pay for walk outs, but still how would you like to work for at least an hour on a table and not get a dime while busting your ass for at least 6 other tables? And I've had several other tables "forget" to tip and guess what I'm good ******* server, people just don't realize how many tables one waitress has. And they're rude as hell. I hope you choke on your next one, fuckhole.

cartering 0

84 - go read the giant poster on wage earnings that your employer is required by FEDERAL LAW to have posted where every employee will see it in the likely course of their day (usually posted in their break room). Waitresses, by law, have to make minimum wage. Any waitress who tells you they only make $2.15/hour of working is lying to you, by leaving out the fact, of which she had to be informed about prior to her first day of work, that her employer must make up any difference in her pay if her hourly wage plus tips does not equal minimum wage. its all their in black and white, and anyone who has a job and is capable of reading (which you just indicated both apply to you) can see for themselves without any doubt. I've worked in both fast food and waiting tables - serving was far easier. You got to stand around throughout the day, wheras in fast food anytime there wasn't a customer to be waited on you had to start cleaning or stocking immediately, customers were kinder - they didn't treat you like you couldn't add two plus two, and you had people saying "oh poor you, you are on your feet all day." You also got send home when things were slower, instead of being made to go in the back and clean something gross and nasty that hadn't been cleaned in a long time

Dumbass...that's stealing. The server has to pay for "dine and dashes"!!! You don't like the service, complain to the manager...most likely you'll get your meal comped or a discount. You deserve everything you get. I say it again...dumbass.

Okay, so the manager is going to think, "Hmm, these people left without paying for their meal! This must surely mean that my staff is giving bad service; the people who stole aren't cheap assholes in the slightest!" Right? Get a clue, moron. Stealing a meal reflects poorly on YOU, not your servers.

The comment earlier about being taxed misunderstood. Server paychecks usually come back "Non-Negotiable" because you pay taxes on your tips as income. The $2 an hour doesn't usually cover it, so your checks are for nothing, and the only wage you earn is the cash you walk with. Last year I actually got a bill from corporate office to pay the balance on my years taxes, SS, etc.

I agree with everyone who said you're an idiot, and that you should just speak to the manager about it or leave a one penny tip. And like #84 said, if you've never worked in the industry you may not realise that your server probably has 6+ other tables at the time, and if food runs long that's because the kitchen's busy, or run by idiots, and more than likely has nothing to do with the server. I'm a server in Canada, and in Canada you're legally entitled to at least minimum wage, nothing less. In this province it's $8/hour (in USD that's about $6.5). Any tips you make are considered extra, as customers aren't required by law to tip (obviously not...). But you do have to claim tips on your income taxes, as the government is aware that you make them if you're a server.

cxal_fml 0

In the US, every server is entitled to minimum wage - even if the server has to pay for the "dine and dash" meal, her paycheck still has to reflect that she was paid minimum wage for the hours worked. The fine for the meal, would be shown separately. It is illegal for a server in the US to be paid less than minimum wage for any time that he or she works. Tips are added into your base rate, and then if that doesn't come out to minimum wage, your employer is required to pay you an additional amount of earnings. All waitstaff, and other tip earners, are required to report their daily tips to their managers/bosses/whatever because of this Iliaria, Minimum wage laws in the US vary greatly - In my state minimum wage is nearly $8/hour too - its the federal minimum wage that is close to $5. Most of the states have set their standards higher, and businesses in the state have to apply to state laws when they are higher than federal ones.

SpunkT 0

#85, waitress have their own minimum wage which is lower than the state minium wage because they make tips. Tips are to make up the amount between their miniumum wage. It's not "extra" you're making up the rest of the minimum wage. Yeah, ok it's not $2 an hour. But here in NY the standard waitress wage is just over $4. And no I'm not making that up. I know my rights. And I also have worked both fast food and wait service. Fast food is a fuckton easier. I don't know where you worked that let you just "sit around" when no one was there, but every restaurant I've worked in had "lean time is clean time" policy. And yeah if things got slow you get sent home early, but before you left you usually had side work to do. That's another thing people don't get about waitressing, sidework. Cleaning, stocking. All that jazz. And getting sent home early sucks. And I never got treated better fast food. I have no idea where you work but don't think it applies everywhere. I know what I've dealt with, you don't. And yeah if you don't make minimum wage after tips your boss has to give you more money, but that means either your restaurant is on it's way out, or you ******* suck and shouldn't be waiting tables, and probably will get fired. I had the exact opposite experience from you. I'm not making this shit up. So don't talk to me like I don't know what I'm talking about. And also it's sort of my point that most people don't know how many tables you have. That's why I hate when people do that shit. Cause they don't know and they don't care to know.