By ashleyevans - 04/04/2009 14:45 - United States

Today, my friend and I went to a really expensive restaurant. We got really bad service, so halfway through the meal we decided to dine-and-dash. Turns out I left my purse in the restaurant. With my I.D. and everything inside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 001
You deserved it 192 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tehrevenant 0

Why would you EVER think that was okay? "Oh, the service sucks, I'll just steal the food." YDI.

This_Guy 0

I hate people like you. You deserve everything thats going to happen to you.


emmajester 0

It sounds as if you got your just desserts. It's really uncool to dine and dash.

voguegirl4 0

NEVER EVER EVER OK Speak to a manager, that way he or she can address the problem.

That's straight messed up. If I was the waiter I would have used a card from your wallet to pay for the meal and taken a substantial tip.

Okay, as a waitress this pissed me off BIG time. If your service sucks you have EVERY right to speak with a manager, and in most cases you do in fact get your meal for free if this happens, and the server would be spoken to appropriately. Did you know at many restaurants when you "dine and dash" the server has to pay that entire bill, and in some cases gets fired because corporate feels that it's the servers responsibility to watch the table the entire time, even though we have 10 others and have to be running all over the place. You never know when someone is just having a bad day, and if you spoke to the manager they would have been able to see that. This one time happened to me...In my case, I am a full time college student, and I work as a waitress 40 hours a week, because I have to pay my rent, tuition and loans. I have never recieved a complaint and i consider myself a great waitress...but, I had just found out my grandmother who i had lived with for 6 years of my life had a bad stroke and heart attack and she was in the hosptial dying, but I had work and because of my upcoming payment I could not take off that shift. That night someone walked out on their $90 check. So I was stuck paying it. The reason my service wasn't great? that was because I was either in the bathroom crying, or checking in with family to see how she was, or worried about her and not thinking straight... this walkout caused me to not be able to eat for more then a day because I needed all of my money for a loan payment. Yet if they just spoke to the manager, they would have gotten a free meal AND I wouldn't have starved or gotten in trouble because they knew what was going on. i hope you are proud of yourself.

You deserve it. And #95 deserves a big thumbs up; I've been in this situation also. If the service sucks, then give a lousy tip because it's the waiter/waitresses' fault. But when it comes to the bill, you need to pay for the food that the chefs made (or complain about it if the food was of bad quality and then try to get a deduction). Criminy.

kennyboy 0

the writer deserved it and all and should get in trouble but are they allowed to look in your purse though?

Carlynator09 0

@97 - I'd assume that they left the purse as payment.

You know, I'm a server and I pretty much know when I'm not getting a tip because of crappy service. We all have bad days. Whatever, don't tip. But walking out on the bill? Really? Like others have said, all that does is make you look like a cheap ****. Way to stick it to em.

It is never okay to "dine and ditch." If the service sucks, you talk to the person in charge and they will rectify the situation. I've been a waitress for almost 5 years and if you were to have walked out without paying at any restaurant I've worked at, they would simply think that you were cheap. If you walked out after I had served you I would have assumed that you had planned that from the beginning and it had no relation to my quality of service. Also-depending on the state you live in determines the type of wage a server receives. I live in Minnesota and I get $6.15 an hour no matter what I make in tips. #95- I've been there and recently. I completely understand!!