By Anonymous - 08/04/2009 04:03 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend and I were outside tanning in the sun. I asked her if she could put some sunscreen on my back. Thinking it would be funny, she used the lotion to write "I Love Little Boys". I work as a children's swimming instructor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 653
You deserved it 6 232

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your girlfriend must be made of pure win, that's hilarious. Just wear a shirt..

if its on your back, clearly you couldnt write it on yourself.


You didn't notice she was writing something on your back?

thatoneguy1812 0
jessiegirl 0

LOL...Fake FMLs are so lame. Sorry, but you would have asked her to rub the lotion in after putting it on your skin. Not buying it.

Really? You didn't notice that she only got a tiny portion of your back instead of rubbing it in all over? I call BS!

redhusk89 0

I can see this happening though you must have tanned for quite a while to get it to stand out enough for people to notice from a distance. Just sink down when you're teaching the water will distort the reflection and no one will know :) on the off chance someone does notice have her write a note explaining what she did and keep it in your cloths/gear bag (just in case)

how could you not realize she was doing that? It's not like she put it on your shirt... she put it on your skin. did you fall asleep? ugh...