By Anonymous - 27/01/2014 23:32 - Puerto Rico - Bayamon

Today, my girlfriend dumped me because she found some lesbian porn on my computer. Her reasoning? That I must secretly be gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 652
You deserved it 11 623

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, she's an idiot... I think you're better off. Why was she looking through your hard drive anyway?

Rookie mistake, always clear search history or change the folder name to anything but "****".


wellthen7154 12

Actually #60, a lot of straight women still watch lesbian ****... (._.) they told me so.

A lot of lesbian women don't really like lesbian ****. It's made for straight men haha.

lailaxjan 11

Nah, a lot of straight women do. Personally, I'd rather watch two women than two men any day...I mean, who doesn't like boobs?

gmc_blossom 21

Well, if lesbian **** is made for straight men, then I must be the straightest of all men.

64, so those women that said that speak for the majority of the female population? I don't care for lesbian ****, but I must be wrong because a few other straight women do....

I totally watch lesbian ****, and I know a decent number of other women that do, and some that wouldn't admit to it. Generally straight **** just kind of bores me, it's too much about 'showing off'.

lailaxjan 11

110, calm down. Their comment clearly wasn't serious. They made an emoticon face and everything!

@#121: Bullshit. Just because different types of people watch lesbian **** and other ****, that does NOT mean **** is made for "everyone". No mainstream **** is made for women, gay or straight, period. They can watch it but the target demographic is straight men.

epicfury26 13

A gay guy doesn't like lesbian ****?

109, I didn't mean that anyone other than straight men can't enjoy lesbian ****. I'm a mostly straight woman who does enjoy it occasionally. It is true that the intended audience for most lesbian **** is straight men and you can see this in the **** itself. The women use strap ons and there is a lot of penetration, they even give blow jobs to the strap on. Many lesbians have never been penetrated and don't find that kind of imagery arousing. That's all I'm saying :)

147, I'm not worked up. I just feel like he/she is making a general assumption based on a few people they know. I didn't say that 64 was wrong, I just meant don't assume all women are into lesbian **** because a few admit to liking it. I guess that comment sounded a lot more condescending in my head. And excuse me for my comment earlier, but it's hard not to take something a certain way when you've been criticized/mocked/bullied for years by people who feel like you're in the wrong for having different sexual preferences.

wellthen7154 12

Haha I was just saying that some straight girls do. Plus the face was for effect (/._.)/

182 how are you a mostly strait woman? You are either strait, gay or bi.

212, because I fall really close to straight on the Kinsey scale, I think I'm a 1.5 or a 2 i.e. mostly straight. I don't identify as bi because I don't think it describes me very well. The LGBTI movement basically embodies the idea that people should't be put into boxes when it comes to their identity, I think the labels gay straight and bi are just more boxes to put people in so I don't use them to describe myself. People just are, they don't have to be one of three choices.

Secretly gay because you have lesbian **** on your computer... hmm. Tell her that indeed you are gay, play the lesbian **** you have and beat off infront of her. Her stupid brain won't understand a damn thing. Be glad she left OP.

why did I read this in Morgan Freeman's voice? .-.

gmc_blossom 21

Probably because his profile picture is of Morgan Freeman. Just a guess, though.

ChristianH39 30

Rhetorical question is rhetorical

FMLworthy5000 21

Here, we have a classic case of the hump and dump. also known as "looks for any excuse to break up"

Absolutely no loss. The is enough fish in the pound. Maybe you get one who's a lil' more smarter next time.

Grammar Nazies should be coming for you any minute now.

Spelling snipers will come for both of you.

Correction: "Absolutely no loss. There are enough fish in the sea. Maybe you can find someone who is a little smarter, next time." :)

Thank you, I can see clearly now the mistakes are goneee!

lailaxjan 11

Have you ever tried editing a paper written by someone with grammar like this? It's miserable.

Anybody consider the fact that english may be this person's second language? Just a thought...seems like it to me.

That is no excuse, if they want to call other people dumb while at the same time sounding like an idiot they should be prepared to take what they have dished out

On the other hand, maybe SHE is the secret lesbian and she's just deflecting...

well why did you have **** if you have a girlfriend?

Do you really have to ask that question?

That is a completely normal thing for men to do. It doesn't mean they don't think their girlfriends aren't sexy enough, we are ALL sexual creatures. I don't see the problem. Plenty of women watch **** as well, whether they're single or not.

Typical Question .... I don't know why you have thumbs-down!!

gmc_blossom 21

Because it was a stupid question. Even I were in a relationship with someone for a long time, I'd still watch ****. Hell, depending on the gender and sexual orientation of the person, we could even watch it together. **** is fun.

Yes, because gay people get off to lesbian ****...

watching lesbian ****, i dont know if you're homophobic, but if you are, thats very wrong and perf.

Well, it is gay **** in a way. But yeah, I don't know many gay men who enjoy watching lesbian ****.

Well then, I'll just be on my merry way

I've heard of lesbian women who watch gay ****, though. Apparently lesbian **** is all for straight men (as a previous commenter said), and gay **** is closer than straight **** to what these specific ladies want. Not a lot of **** specifically made for women nowadays. *sigh, what a shame.

@#139: But gay **** is made for gay men? So all mainstream **** is made for men. I would agree that it's a shame that women are once again excluded from "man's world" but I actually disagree with **** as an industry given its high amounts of unwilling/kidnapped/raped female participant.

139, I kind of agree with you but a lot of women actually do enjoy lesbian ****