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By Anonymous - 27/01/2014 23:32 - Puerto Rico - Bayamon

Today, my girlfriend dumped me because she found some lesbian porn on my computer. Her reasoning? That I must secretly be gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 658
You deserved it 11 623

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, she's an idiot... I think you're better off. Why was she looking through your hard drive anyway?

Rookie mistake, always clear search history or change the folder name to anything but "****".


I don't understand why women flip out over ****. I rather watch it with my husband. lesbians are sexy. I might watch more than he does.

megcarpy 19

I'm confused if you are a girl, then you obviously are gay/bi, since you have a gf and if you are a boy, them how would looking at lesbian **** make you gay???

Sounds like she wasn't the brightest crayon in the box... Or just an ass

Saintdyn 9

Make invisible folder > put **** in there > also make it invisible

kingdomgirl94 29

some guys are more sensitive than others and might be genuinely embarrassed to admit to their girlfriend's that they watch ****. It's less dishonesty and more shame, I think.

Damn, then my boyfriend is gay, too!!!! (yes, he watches **** every now and then and yes, I know and I'm ok with that - I do it, too)

TheHeavyOne 15

What? That doesn't even make sense!

If she's that crazy and paranoid to be looking through your stuff, you're better off. Besides, you gotta clear internet history often when doing.... those activities

sailorarctic 22

you deserve it for watching **** while in a relationship anyway. My husband and I have already had lengthy conversations about how uncomfortable the idea of him watching **** makes me. In the future instead of just doing it maybe you should bring the topic up. True it wasn't right of her to go through your computer, but here's my question, was she using your computer with your permission because that is how I found my husband was doing it. he doesn't anymore and the last time he did he came clean about it less than a week after because his own guilty conscience gave him nightmares about divorce if I found out he'd been doing it behind my back. A lot of people may think I'm being overbearing with this, but seriously, it's about respecting each other. Bring it up, if she really doesn't like it but can handle it if she is left "blissfully unaware" meaning you don't ask for ANYTHING YOU SEE IN IT IN YOUR OWN SEX LIFE then ok, if she's like me and its a feeling of you're watching it so much that she feels like you prefer the fantasy over the reality like it was getting to be in my case then it's time to say no more.

Poor guy feared divorce over watching **** once. Woah. He obviously likes watching ****, so why is he the only one who has to compromise? Maybe both could: he would compromise to not watching TOO MUCH ****, and you would compromise to not being such a controlling ass.

FluffyArt 6

Oh, your husband's doing it. Just hiding it better to avoid the hissy fit. Might I recommend a personal massager? Might loosen you up.

Unless your having sex multiple times daily I don't see how watching **** once could be seen as "preferring the fantasy"

Just because #78 has different views on this because that is the type of respect she wants in her marriage, that does not mean she is any lesser of a wife or mother.

#78 Well I feel really sorry for your husband, he can't even watch a little bit of **** without feeling guilty. You are such a controlling bitch! You really need to rethink your life over this shit.

SkylaChristian 18

Excuse me #80, yeah you are one of the biggest idiots I think I have ever had the misfortune of coming across on the internet. Do you really think you're so misunderstood and different because you ******* watch **** and you're a girl? Bitch grow up. Look at your ******* picture. Batman? How classy. Go find some asshole who treats you like shit, because quiet frankly, that's all you're gonna get. You have no respect for yourself. Probably from those daddy issues huh?

SkylaChristian 18

And you #120. Where the **** do I begin? I mean my God. You almost make it too easy. You're such a little ****, you think it's okay to give advice when you've probably never seen a naked woman in your life except in ****. I feel sorry for you. Wanna go jack off to some Pokemon you desperate son of a bitch ?

hatemyluck 15

She doesn't need to rethink her life because of her personal views. Sometimes people need to remember that not everyone in this world finds enjoyment from ****. Just because there's someone that does not have the same opinion as your's does not mean that that person is wrong. Nevertheless, she should have found out about what her husband was into before marriage because living with someone who lies is not fun.