By ALL PRAISE TO THE NIGHT MOTHER - 29/01/2016 21:19 - United States - East Greenbush

Today, my girlfriend lost one of her rings. I found this out as I overheard her gushing to her friend about how I must have borrowed it to find out what her ring size is. I have zero interest whatsoever in the sick and utterly immoral institution of marriage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 204
You deserved it 27 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

First, the fact that you don't like marriage doesn't make it sick or immoral. Second unless you have made it amply clear to your partner that you don't ever want to get married, they are entitled to think that if things go well, the relationship will eventually lead to marriage. Your girlfriend seems oblivious of the fact that you're so anti-marriage, so it's a **** her life from me

Then maybe you should let her know that so she doesn't keep waiting for something that's not going to happen.


I can understand why women could dislike the institution of marriage (patriarchy & whatnot). But why do men get so worked up? "Because I'm not giving someone half my stuff" isn't a good explanation for me btw (get a prenup). I'm asking sincerely. (BG: I'm a woman with an opposite sex spouse of 7 yrs & I love being married to my husband.)

A) Prenups can be completely thrown out for various reasons. B) Keeping a job is a reason a prenup can get thrown out, and if the marriage ends in divorce you can end up paying alimony for you spouses personal choice to not have a job and not being prepared to take care of themselves. C) All of the benefits listed by others (other than tax breaks) like transfer of possessions and property, making medical decisions and hospital visitations can all be easily accomplished with a living will (and making them your medical power of attorney for anything you may have forgotten in your living will) and a last will. So there's no real "up side" as it were, either you stay happily married until one of you dies (which you could easily stay together happily without the marriage) or it ends in divorce and you have a high chance of getting taken to the cleaners. In the end if the only reason you are in a relationship is to get a piece of paper, a shiny (and frankly worthless) rock, and tax benefits, your relationship is probably already screwed.

Instead of traditional marriage, maybe get committed to each other in a different way? She'll probably want an official ceremony of some sort though, but it wouldn't matter because you both (hopefully) love each other and want to be committed in someway, plus it could be intimate, fun and different... But to be honest, if you were my boyfriend and I found out that's how he felt about marriage and I never knew, I would be absolutely crushed, but I would be open to a different type of ceremony for all our close family and friends to celebrate with us. You should probably talk to your girlfriend about this, but don't bring up the ring thing or she might get embarrassed

Wow. Her life sucks and you deserve whatever the fallout is from this.

Still not seeing how choosing one person to stay with the rest of your life is sick. And I DEFINITELY don't see how choosing to not **** around and only be with one person is immoral. You sound like a ******* psycho.

Yes because you can't possibly be monogamous, faithful, and committed to one another without marriage.

You should break it off. Better to do it now than string her along. Its pretty obvious you want two different things.

Tell her that you have no interest in marriage.

wow I really misread the FML first time and thought she had lost a ring he gave to her, so I hit FYL. Now I take it back, F her L

mrslegume 8

Maybe she's just excited that you might be getting her a ring. It doesn't have to be an engagement ring...?

InsanityVerge 8

All praise to the night mother.