By devilboy - 06/07/2011 11:26 - Australia

Today, my girlfriend who was planning on waiting until marriage for sex decided to have sex with me. It's been 4 hours and she hasn't stopped crying, praying and calling me the devil's temptation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 145
You deserved it 18 028

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aprilita 8

To console her by making love to her ;)


exiledTexan 0
horrorfreak79nj 2

Tell her she's an idiot & God himself wishes you'd punch her in the face & smack some sense into her.

I'll be right back, I'm gonna find my old "Worst Comment Ever" award an give it to you.

dang keyman you comment a lot just saying

Thomas_Rothbard 0

He talked with god he said he wants to punch you in the face an that you and idiot

Creamy, you just commented one too many times. I do not think that would be a good thing to say to someone that religious. It'd simply backfire even if he said it as a joke considering the state she is in.

If you knew she had such strong views on the subject, you should've been extremely cautious about going along with having sex when she suddenly decided to do it.

Krennicus 0

You mean turn down possible sex?

free2speak 14

I'm a girl and that's the most ridiculous thing ever. it's like telling a girl that you're going to take her shopping and then getting mad at her cause she spent all your money. You just don't offer things you can't afford to loose.

stacianichole 2

yeah, shoulda told her to sleep on it for a couple nights to be 100% sure.

Pufferfish78 5
Akalia_fml 7

Not all "Bible-Thumpers" are crazy. 0,0

Pufferfish78 5

yes they are.... an invisible man is going to take you to a magical place when you die.....that's pretty nuts to me

182 your profile pic certainly pertains to religious nuts lol

Yes they are lol every single one of them

OP: Are you THAT bad that she's still crying 4 hours later? Read the Kama Sutra, bud.

maybe he was too good that's why she called him the devils temptation lol

stevenlesage 0

Agree with 12- I got rid of my dream car 1965 Mustang to work on a past relationship for she thought I spent to much time with it instead her. then she went around telling everyone it's my fault we split just to make her feel better about it.

A7xPenguin 0

what a bitch! that really steams my beans haha i love cars more than women!

That name sounds pretty kinky.. but FYL bro. Maybe she'll open up again but for now you have to wait for her to cool down.

I just made an account to express how stupid that woman is. Extremely. And wtf religion

There was no mention of religion in the FML. Some people do wait until marriage and aren't religious, newb.

-praying -devil's temptation Religion is obvious in this post, newb.

The crying, praying and whole "temptation" thing does suggest religion... Poor girl, that sounds horribly messed up. It was probably a combination of religious guilt and the whole 'virgin pain' thing. And FYL, OP.

Kittenfluff 2

Except.... She called him the devil's temptation. Sounds pretty religious to me. If you're not religious, no need to bring the devil into things. *shrug^

Kittenfluff 2

whoops, beaten to the punch :P ^agreeing with them, then.

123, what do you mean there's no need to bring the devil into things? There is always that need!