By devilboy - 06/07/2011 11:26 - Australia

Today, my girlfriend who was planning on waiting until marriage for sex decided to have sex with me. It's been 4 hours and she hasn't stopped crying, praying and calling me the devil's temptation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 145
You deserved it 18 028

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aprilita 8

To console her by making love to her ;)


She's calling him 'the devil's temptation'. I don't think there's any sane answer to that.

SincerelyPsych 0

I find that your fault. in all honesty you couldn't see that outcome? you should've stopped her and talked to her about it. That's what any real man would do.

nisey3313 11

We can't blame OP for assuming she took the time to think it through. It's not his job to think twice about her decisions for her. And I also highly doubt that as soon as she told him she wanted to have sex that he said "Alright, let's go". He probably said something along the lines of "Really, you sure?" and she probably told him she was. Her fault, not his.

wow!! she's messed in the head. bet it was good for you eh? fresh meat!

RAWRstover 4

ha. ive got the same problem, except mine swears shes pregnant.

dakins 0

how old is she? o.O poor girl

bswole 1

just tell her youll marry her so she'll stop

Gap15 0

yeah if u new she was serious about not having sex u should of stopped her when she wanted to do it I mean its not right tht she is blaming u but u should of tried to prevent it now she has made a sin cuz in the bible it says ur suppose to wait to have sex until marriage

I don't understand why people are blaming OP. As a Christian myself, I don't expect other people to make sure I don't sin. that's up to me. Assuming he doesn't have the same beliefs as her, she set herself up for that.

I disagree entirely with everyone else. I am a Christian myself & I know EXACTLY how that feels to be in a position where you are tempted to sin & know you shouldn't. You knew what her beliefs were & if you loved her you would have respected her beliefs & reminded her of them. Sin & temptation is extremely hard to ignore. She faltered when you should have wooed her get through it.

so what you're saying is it's up to him to make sure his gf doesn't sin? she's a big girl. I'm guessing if he respected her decision before, he didn't take her change of heart lightly.

if they're her beliefs why would anyone have to remind her of them?

0opsie 6

A Christian shouldn't blame others if s/he gives into temptation. It's not his responsibility to make sure she sticks to her religion. It was her decision to have sex with him.

If she's old enough to have sex, she's old enough to make her own decisions. He shouldn't have to remind her of her religion, it's her religion and not his.

Shadow_Phantom 26

I'm not implying it was his decision, she shouldn't have fell victim to temptation. I'm implying that he could have respected we beliefs & helped her over come that temptation. Sin is not a pointless word, it is an action.

he DID respect her. it sounds like it wasn't his choice to wait. it says 'she decided'. he was letting her call the shots. if it wasn't his beliefs why on earth is it his fault he agreed? I'm proud of him for dating a girl who wants to wait to begin with. a lot of guys would dump a girl the first time she said no. I'm a Christian as well and I don't blame people for putting me in temptation. I kept myself away from temptation by dating guys who wanted to wait as well. but even that made 'waiting' hard.

Give me evidence for Christianity. God may be real but Christianity is nonsense.

So you're saying Jesus isn't real? Because Jesus is God in a human form.

Cheylea. You state that as if it is a fact when in actuality that is simply your belief based upon faith not evidence. What I say is that Jesus as the bible tells it never existed but a person like him did. The son of god myth had been around for much longer than the Jesus myth.

332- how is you saying a person like Jesus existed any different than us saying Jesus did exist. do you have any evidence of that? and if u have evidence who's to say he really wasn't Jesus? just like people don't like Christianity forced on them, Christians don't like being belittled either. no one is forcing beliefs on others here. just for fun though you want some evidence there is a God? SEX. I'm sorry but only someone that powerful could create something that feels that good. Cheylea, i have your back except for the first point we're trying to prove here. a woman sinning is her own fault, not the 'tempter'. but I won't be throwing stones that's for sure.