By devilboy - 06/07/2011 11:26 - Australia

Today, my girlfriend who was planning on waiting until marriage for sex decided to have sex with me. It's been 4 hours and she hasn't stopped crying, praying and calling me the devil's temptation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 145
You deserved it 18 028

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aprilita 8

To console her by making love to her ;)


couldve said no too. especially since you knew of her wishes.

I feel bad, but you shouldn't because I would be pretty happy to be called the devils temptation.

so I guess it wasn't as good for her as it was for you....

It's a shame it happened but truthfully, the act of intercourse involves a partnership; TWO PEOPLE! unless she was forced to do physically, she has no one to blame, christian or not.

Flutist 3

Op, tell her you only did God's work. The Karma Sutra was written by a monk. Also, it was her first time just play dumb and ask, "That's not what you meant by wanting a missionary position was it honey?"

I think ur the stupid one for being such a dick, and making an account just to say this???!

RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!! Zealots like that can only lead to bad things.

RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!! Zealots like that can only lead to bad things.