By anonymous - 08/06/2011 06:55 - United States

Today, my husband and I got married. The only thing that is different so far is that he now thinks that it's okay to shit with the door open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 012
You deserved it 8 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shift_love 13

well it is ok cause now his shit is your shit and your shit is his shit

thebestof1984 0

If that's the only thing that's changed in your marriage, consider yourself lucky!


if you can't handle something as basic as a little poop, certainly don't have children and talk to your new husband about an immediate annulment. Get real.

what's wrong with that? I did that with the guy I lived with & we weren't married.

bitchslapped22 14

That is the only thing that's different...

Well, tell him you'd rather he not do that. The problem is not that you don't want to watch him take a shit - some couples are comfortable with that, but you don't have to be. It's one thing to deal with his poop if he's ill, or to deal with kid poop with him, but why deal with it if you don't have to? I'm assuming he's a healthy adult male who can take care of himself. The problem is that either you can't tell him that it bothers you, or he won't listen when you ask him nicely to close the door. If you can't communicate with him, that's a whole new set of problems. Good luck :)

poopdayz 6

He's not making her watch. Unless his toilet is in the living room and she's watching TV at the same time.

robert76 5

This explains why sex stops after marriage.

"love and marriage, love and marriage- go together like a horse and carriage" Not quite, eh?

perdix 29

You haven't learned yet that another difference is that wiping is no longer required. You're going to have a shitty time tossing his salad.

27- sorry for trying to at least make a witty comment seeing as how most people don't and tend to be super serious all the time on here.

What did you expect to change after marriage? Really, life's not a video game - there's no flash of lights with a superimposed "LEVEL UP!" text. You don't get access to any bonus features for the 'Achievement - Took Wedding Vows'. If you've already been living together the only changes are in your legal status. You get a free name change out of the deal, you can now file your taxes jointly, you have full hospital visitation rights, etc. For your relationship? Nothing SHOULD change after the vows are taken. Aside from the legal portion, a wedding is just a notification to EVERYONE ELSE of what you and your spouse already know in your hearts.

That's not too bad, but once you start doing laundry and find tire tracks in his boxers/briefs... It could mean he leaves the door open expecting you to wipe up after him. He just hasn't said anything yet! 