By demk - 20/08/2009 14:51 - United States

Today, my husband and I were in bed, and just as I was about to finish he screamed, "Oh shit! It's 4:15, my strawberries are gonna whither!!!!" and then jumped off me and went to check on his farm on FarmVille. An imaginary farm, on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 846
You deserved it 8 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lolatflyingducks 0

Clearly, you have never played Farmville.

chadhilliard67 0

haha, lets hope his strawberrys didnt whither


That is a win, i would have done the same thing -Farmville is the shit!

AXavierB 1

I think this is fake, simply because every FML lately follows the format of "My boyfriend/husband and I were having sex, then all of a sudden he [insert something completely absurd, random and weird happening]. FML."

Farmvill is fun.. if you have no life... and you must not be a good girlfriend/wife because you would know that your husband cares about his strawberrys

shineyourlight_x 0

bahahahah, i love that application. i was seriously going to send this FML to my brother, because we are both addicted to the game and we compete against each other. haha.

peterpieqt8 0

Farmville is awesome. i wouldnt want my strawberries to wither either

Apac1996 0

Either the sex wasnt that good, or ur husband needs to think about his priorities more.

O.....M......G.... what is with these ppl that would rather check their stupid ass games or watch their damned shows over having sex?!?!?! this sickens me!

Tired of the same FMLs. Be more original!!

Farmville Is awesome but I wouldn't stop having sex for it