By imarriedanaxemurderer - 18/06/2013 05:01 - United States - Joliet

Today, my husband was in our newborn's room, holding and talking to him. I guess he forgot the baby monitor, because I overheard him say, "Wanna know a secret? Daddy kills people." I really hope he was just quoting Dexter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 545
You deserved it 4 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he didn't forget the baby monitor and he was just messing with you.

Look for those slides with drops of blood.


If I have kids, I'll start quoting Game of Thrones or Quentin Tarantino movies... "I vomited on a girl once..."

graceinsheepwear 33

Sounds like a classic Dexter moment and I bet plenty of newborns have heard the same thing at this point. Just a fun homage to a great moment in the show. I wouldn't worry. And remember that Dexter, well-adjusted congenial serial killer, is implausible fun fiction.

kewpiesuicide 29

Wait till you know your husband is listening and say the same thing into the baby monitor. He'll either laugh and say "I said the same thing!" or feel comfortable enough with your 'admission' to come out and tell you that he also kills people.

Haha, like some Mr. & Mrs Smith movie shit

Wow! Be careful! Perhaps it's time to look into it further!

Secret job you don't know about? Either way if he is quoting Dexter or is a secret agent you and your child should be safe...

Awwww, daddy's helping your kid with some early career advice!!! Sweet!! Another possibility to consider, OP, is that Dexter was quoting your husband. Watch out for guys that look like John Lithgow is the best advice I can give you!

betterdaysahead 14

lady I say look in to it with out him know for real is there place in your home your not allowed to go in hell better be safe than sorry FYL

KylarStern19 7

Hey maybe he's a US Gov Assassin??

Don't think he forgot about the baby monitor. He was trying to shock you. Sounds like something I would've done to my ex after our son was born.