By Anonymous - 17/06/2009 04:25 - United States

Today, my mom had one too many and announced to all of my friends that, if she had the opportunity, she would bang Gwen Stefani. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 939
You deserved it 4 698

Same thing different taste


I find it a sign of the poor character of a lot of the people on this site that "My friend/family member declared they would bang (insert member of the same gender)" FMLs are so prominant. How do your mom's sexual preferences ruin your life? Obviously they don't. Be more open minded OP, normally on FMLs that aren't actually FMLs I won't click anything but in this case YDI for being an idiot.

Thats EFFin awesome. Sounds like u got a cool mother!!!

Um, gwen is HOT! This isn't an fml, I would probably do her as well.

LMFAO! But not really an FML. If anything, FHL for having drunk lesbian tendencies.

Your mom fully rocks. Learn to appreciate her.

resawins 0

how random is it that "spiderwebs" by no doubt was playing on my radio at the exact moment that i read this fml??!! hahaha. your mom sounds pretty fun :-)

Simply, completely NOT a FML. Not even a FHL. You're a self-centered douche. Moving on.

#53: WTF?! You kind of sound like a "self-centered douche", and you give no explanation for your comment. My mom doesn't get drunk very often (she normally drinks in moderation), but she's never expressed any lesbian urges, drunk or otherwise. If this ever happened to me, I would have to endure months of bad jokes about my mom. This is totally an FML, specifically because it was in front of the OP's friends. Although I admit most people probably would do Gwen Stefani if they had the opportunity.

bosco_kk 0

I guess you couldn't escape, you should create a place in your own world, without your mom banging Gwen.