By KitKat270 - 28/05/2009 01:40 - Canada

Today, my mom informed me that she wouldn't be joining the rest of the girls in the limo ride to the church for my wedding ceremony because she wants to have her car with her. Why? Because she is planning to leave my wedding reception half way through to go home and take her dog out to pee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 691
You deserved it 4 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#2 I'd think that her daughter's wedding is more important than this. If the dog is so important, she should have made plans for someone else to watch the dog that day so she could be there the whole time to support her daughter.

I agree with #13. What's the big deal? Jesus she's not SKIPPING the whole freaking wedding here, there is nothing wrong with going home real quick to let the dog out so he/she doesn't pee all over the house. OP you might need to be less of a Bridezilla.


You say your Mum may miss the cake cutting, speeches etc.... Can't you make sure they don't happen until she is back. You don't have to have "at 2:30 this will happen and at 5:00 this will happen" make things happen around other things, if you want everything planned down to the last letter it isn't going to work that way, even if you Mum didn't leave something would mess it up. Like in the rest of life.... some mothers plan their births this way "my baby is due on this date I will have this room in the hospital" etc and they end up giving birth 3 weeks early in the back of an ambulance instead.... Life is always going to throw you things to mess up your plan you've just got to learn to work round them

That is retarded. She doesn't have any neighbors or friends who can let the dog out for her? I understand not leaving the dog in the house for hours on end, but surely there is some you could count on.

I hope the groom doesnt have to take a shit during the reception. God forbid he isn't around for 10 mins.

bonafidehustler 0

I totally agree with #2 and the others who say it's not a big deal. The dog has to go pee, what else is she supposed to do? It's not like she's skipping the entire wedding, she'll miss twenty minutes of the reception! Big freakin' deal! OP needs to grow up.

god it seems like every other FML on this site has something to do with parents caring more about dogs than their children... ******* dogs.

Cormophyte 0

It's a party. Sure, it's an important day but she'll be there for most of it! Why are women so...*******...needy?

i hate when people curse at the author..its like damn calm down...calling her a bitch and stuff...i would be pissed too..who wouldn't your not in her situation so u don't know

Well if the daughter is going to act this way then who can blame the Mom for liking the dog more.

Yeah, 20-30 years from now your mother's going to be on here complaining that you didn't visit her in the nursing home on Mother's Day because you had some bullshit excuse. Oh well, karma.