By daughterinlaw - 18/12/2012 17:09 - United States - La Plata

Today, my mother-in-law, who apparently made a copy of our house key without permission, walked in on my husband and me doing the deed. She went crazy, yelling at me for "defiling" her son. Last week, she yelled at me for not having given her grand-children yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 531
You deserved it 4 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Not sure, could someone explain legit reasons why people voted ydi? FYL def

Misclicks, trying to get the YDI badges, poor reading comprehension skills, "o em gee u shldnt b havin s3x lol its bad", the list goes on.

probably just people hitting the wrong button by accident. I do that all the time. FML needs a way to change a vote...

JoeGrant 12

You should have told her that you were only obeying her orders.

I don't understand how all these people get caught having sex. Unless you're having sex in the entryway, you should at least have a few seconds to jump off each other and dive under the covers! Not that I'm speaking from experience, of course...

Maybe all the FML posters are the unlucky few who have their front door next to their bed? Or they're the freaky intense type, who scream bloody murder. It explains why they were caught off guard (couldn't hear people come in) and explains why the mother thought there was some sort of exorcism going on...

Doc, rule number 8 has been breached! Repeat, rule number 8 has been breached! Take immediate action! Over.

BubbleGrunge 18

Sometimes the sex is so good, you're not worried about what's going on around you.

It could be that one of them is a screamer, or they could be into BDSM. Just because different people like different things, doesn't count as defiling .What is normal to some, may be considered defiling to others.

Then again, it's their house, they should be able to do it however they want, wherever they want. Even if that includes the living room couch.

I live in a pretty small-midsized apartment, and there are a lot of places I've had sex that are quite visible from the door. So I can totally see how this would happen. Some people don't like limiting themselves to the bedroom, nor should they have to in their own home.

37- Try telling that to the monster-in-law.

Some people like to be spontaneous. Like doing it on the stairs or the kitchen counter.

#92 I agree. Also, why would you think you have to close/lock the door when it's just you and your partner and you think nobody else has a key to your house?

Freaky intense sex is amazing! Maybe her mother in law was jealous!

starcrossddream 14

Sometimes locking the door is all you can manage before you hit the floor together ;)

I think it's time you explain to her where babies come from... She's probably too old to remember. Poor mommy-in-law... So old, so forgetful :(

Should have looked her straight in the eye and said, "You bet I'm defiling him! Stick around, I usually blow him as a thank you after a good *******. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two." Change your locks and tell her to mind her own business. I guarantee your husband will back you up!

Sadly, that's not always the case. Some sons still feel that their mom is an authority over them. No way to know if OP's husband is one of these, but in this case the husband needs to stand up to his mom. Otherwise OP risks her husband getting upset with her for "attacking" mom. It is sad, but if she has a monster in law then that MIL has had all his life to learn how to best manipulate her son.

HungerGames95 13

Unless her husband is a Ray Barone type: spineless momma's boy.

I feel like if the mother is this controlling and intrusive in her sons life, she probably has been his whole life. So, he honestly may not think his mother is completely wrong because he's so used to this behavior. And, it is very possible that he is a pretty big mommy's boy and doesn't want to offend/upset his mother.

rintintin19 5

gee thanks mom, way to ruin the mood..

If you can't satisfy your mother-in-law, at least satisfy her son and yourself, at least it stays in the family. ;)

And how exactly does she think babies are made ?

They come from the Baby Factory in the sky, of course! And once the nuclear reactor has been put into their brain - er, I mean, they've been assembled, the stork flies them down to earth and drops them safely in the backyard. Easy as that.

They come from the Baby Factory in the sky, of course! And once the nuclear reactor has been put into their brain - er, I mean, they've been assembled, the stork flies them down to earth and drops them safely in the backyard. Easy as that.

Whoa. I have no idea why that got posted twice. Sorry about that. /thumbs the second one down/

KingCeltic77 18