By peniswoman - 14/07/2013 17:03 - United Kingdom - Paisley

Today, my naked boyfriend walked up to me with my towel around his neck and with a hard-on, then declared he was "The Penis Man" and slapped me with his junk. I thought I was dating a man, not a man-child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 045
You deserved it 18 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mkid232 15

Wow, you sound like a bundle of fun, OP...


Rethinkyourlife 1

I mean I think it's hilarious. Imma do this to my wife

Grow up you up tight wanker, that's funny no matter who ya are!

OP's boyfriend should've kept his wanker inside.

sammyjanette 17

I didn't realize that there was only one way to be fun or just one type of humor. If OP doesn't find what her boyfriend did funny it doesn't mean that she's cold, frigid, or a stick in the mud. It means that they find different things amusing. Why are people ridiculed when they are more reserved about sex, but when they are open and wild everyone praises them? Neither way is better than the other, and people's choices about the matter should be respected.

Axel5238 29

Agreed some don't find that stuff funny. That sense of humor for me anyway can get pretty grating after a while. Any joke can get old if it's over done. I'm guessing from the OP's less than thrilled response that if he maybe does stuff like this on the regular and has gotten sick of dick jokes and that type of humor doesn't mean she doesn't have a sense of humor.

Ins0mau 20

Okay so you/OP might have different sense of humour. That doesn't mean OP should insult him or think less of him.

Idk I guess I'm crazy but I like a man with a childish humor.

I have a sense of humor. My boyfriend also has a sense of humor, but if he ever walked up to me and slapped me with his junk I would not be amused.

Can't blame a guy for trying! I try to give my wife a mushroom stamp as often as I can. Mushrooms are good for your complexion!

rokolodo 10

Better than fartman. You lucky girl!

sidvand 2

He can't be Farman...I already married him!!! Lol

Still don't think that's a valid reason to get off on him.

That sounds like something my ex would do. That's not even close to the reason I dumped him. I thought his similar antics were funny, grow a funny bone, he was just being dumb.

How can you not enjoy that?? He sounds fun!