By I hate nasty people - 05/04/2012 16:18 - United States - South Bend

Today, my new roommate took a shower. This would be a good thing, except for the fact that it's apparently taken her two months just to take this one. I have to live with her for another year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 841
You deserved it 2 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Matty1188 6

Tell her she needs to shower more. Otherwise you're going to start spilling buckets of water and soap on her every morning.


Birdie_Sage 0

Get some nasty shit to 'accidentally' put on her, hopefully then she'll take a shower.

enjoy the next couple days. last pleasant ones for a while

FajitaFreak 3

How is this possible? How does she function in society where no one tells her she smells bad?

Because the world is too politically correct and no one wants to offend her lest that brave soul becomes the target of some backwoods, French ancestral, Hippie-influenced activist party.

florido_fml 10

Maybe she washes hereself with olive oil, don't be too quick to judge.

If she keeps that up that's only 6 showers a year! That's 359 less than she should take!

Showering every day is bad for your skin. More like 180 showers a year give or take.

6 showers a year?! Wow that's gross, I hate the feeling of being sweaty, I can't imagine not showering!

Hahaha, that's so disgusting it made me laugh hysterically.

Girls especially should shower frequently. Two month old menstrual blood??? Eww. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. If I were a man, my penis would retreat into my body. I bet you could braid her armpit hair and use her leg hair to grate coconuts.

*shudder* I think I just blinded myself imagining that.

You should have a discussion with her about her personal hygiene but tread lightly. This may be a symptom of a deeper problem. I had a close friend who smelled awful. Later we found out that her husband was abusing her. As soon as she got rid of him she started taking care of herself again.

GothInside 6

Shame her into showering more.... Talk about it all the time, comment " what's that smell", leave articles about consequences of bad hygiene on her bed... Maybe sooner or later she'll catch on that she's NASTY!!!!!!

Soon after I wake im itching to jump in the shower, how can she bear two months of accumulated grime before she washes? Her hair must be minging never mind her bush!