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By Anonymous - 29/06/2014 17:26 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, my wife has a bruise on her cheek from a nasty trip while practicing her yoga. She now thinks it's hilarious to flinch in public when I get near her, and keeps telling people she "walked into a door". I've gotten more dirty looks than I can count. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 345
You deserved it 5 173

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time say I already warned you once.

subgub2222 16

That horrible and people like your wife are the reason so many people don't take real domestic abuse seriously, your wife and people who do what she's doing are making domestic abuse into a big joke when it's really something very serious.


Go along with it see how people react :)

Link/DD 13

Damn 14, do you wake up thinking "how can I get arrested today?"

World_Burner 13

What if I do #122.. lol Well if OP plays along, be sure to record it so that way you can put it up on YouTube to help raise awareness.

Your wife is an idiot. Ask her yoga friends of teacher about what happened (via email), maybe blaming the yoga teacher a bit to get a reaction, and keep the answers on file. Do the same with one of your friends, in front of which she pulled this stunt, and file for divorce. She is taking you (and herself) down with her stupidities.

Call me crazy, but I don't think the fact she got a bruise in yoga is the problem here. (If I'm even interpreting this correctly.)

I'm guessing he meant to say in case the police get called OP will have evidence from the yoga instructor saying she tripped and that he didn't actually hit her. Still, this behavior isn't funny....DV is a very real problem.

Thanks for clearing that up!! I really did not understand.

Did you just mention divorce? People take marriage WAYY too lightly. This could easily be solved with a simple conversation.

juturnaamo 29

I agree with you, but I see his point too. If she plays like this in front if the wrong person, OP might actually get his ass kicked.

Seriously, how is that a joke? That could get you into some serious trouble and hurt others along the way.

chocolatefrog28 29

Your wife may think it's funny, but it's disrespectful and mocks those that have actually suffered spousal abuse. It's not something to laugh about, that should be common sense.

My girlfriend got a black eye from her cat, oh man when we went out for supper, I thought the waiter was going to start swinging on me.

Raise your hand at her in public as if you were going to strike her

Tell her, "Honey, for the last time I did not MEAN to drop that banana peel, there's no need to bring this up, here." In front of everyone. Then she will look ridiculous and people will think it has to be some sort of joke, especially if you catch her off guard and make her laugh. Seriously though, FYL, she should be more mature than that. If she says that near a police officer.... Yikes!

"Damnit woman, I told you the broken lube bottle was an accident!"

I'd ask her why she "keeps hitting herself". fyl.

Fr0gs 15

I would use think this was funny until I learned about a third of women have been abused in their life

World_Burner 13

Uh men face domestic abuse too there kiddo.