By your_mother - 13/05/2009 15:35 - United States
Top comments
You clearly have anger management problems. Even if it was a joke, WHY react like that??
Wow, a closet womanhater. I bet you turn into a wife beater. Get help, now! Women in this world aren't going to fit into the two categories you create for them: 1) Women who speak and behave exactly as you wish, or 2) ***** that you can scream at for no good reason.
hey there, guy, you dont just call a girl a **** because you think she doesnt like you, and you dont fly off the handle like that and start screaming at her. you sound really young by this so ill give you the benefit of the doubt , but id say you have A LOT of growing up to do before you should be with a girl. and when you do, you better treat her right and not like this, you dont deserve any woman treating a girl like that.
#295, no you shut the **** up, at least she's not the one with an ugly heart
So seriously called her a ****? Wow you deserve it...
ahahah, you fail so badly.
YDI You just dont do that. You would say, are you still there? and if she doesnt reply, you hang up, and redial. You must get a anger management!
Wow man, just wow... You are a jerk... You deserve it... I hope she smacks you next time she sees you...
you overreact... badly...
Smooth. She dodged a bullet then. Seems you'd fly off the handle over every other little thing in your relationship. The mute button incident was a blessing in disguise for her.