By gummy bear - 21/01/2011 11:41

Today, trying to be an old-school romantic, I asked my girlfriend, "Where art thou, my love?" via SMS. She replied, "Toilet." FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 524
You deserved it 30 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no, you've found out the truth-- that girls POO and PEE. How will you LIVE?!


Seriously? This f*cks up your entire life? ._.

Igor_g5 0

So you asked her where she was and she told you. What's th FML?

mintcar 9

She's on the ******* toilet, leave her alone!

hghiPigh 0

this is sad. you tried to sound intelligent and failed. wherefore =why. where = where.

XxKyttixX 0

at least she's comfortable enough to say something like that, now you know she really loves you...unless you don't like that, then it's a no-no.

sourgirl101 28

If I'm not mistaken, wasn't Romeo first at Juliet's house in search of another girl he was madly in love with? The dude falls in love quick.(:

sourgirl101 28

I disagree. My husband sends me romantic texts all the time. Words can be very powerful things.(:

Not only that, but the whole play takes place within a few days, during which time they meet, fall in "love", get secretly married, and kill themselves. Just like real life!

sourgirl101 28

Why don't people understand this FML? It was clear that the OP was trying to be romantic and that "toilet" killed the mood. Yet we have girls bitching about men not being romantic enough, all the time. Yes she was on the toilet but she could have kept that to herself, knowing where her boyfriend was coming from. Especially, if he doesn't normally texts her like that.