By gummy bear - 21/01/2011 11:41

Today, trying to be an old-school romantic, I asked my girlfriend, "Where art thou, my love?" via SMS. She replied, "Toilet." FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 524
You deserved it 30 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no, you've found out the truth-- that girls POO and PEE. How will you LIVE?!


you are super lame. at least you're gf is honest?

where for means why. why are you a capulet

I was waiting for someone to mention that

So you pretty much said " Why are you my Love"

why is this a FML? i think its funny, whats so terrible about it? Oh no, your girlfriend uses the bathroom... girls arent supposed to do that! haha

annabellrose 0

she could have said 'on the porcelain throne' lol!