By silvercity09 - 26/05/2009 03:04 - Canada

Today, was my sister's and dad's birthday. I accidentally mixed up the gifts I got for them and my dad ended up with a vibrator. He wasn't very happy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 009
You deserved it 64 041

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm rather concerned that you were even getting it for your sister... A rather "close" relationship you two have is it?...

Could of been worse. Your dad could have been happy.


And why is everyone assuming a male is posting this? There was no indication at all as to the sex of the poster. Furthermore, I can imagine close sisters giving each other such a thing.

#32 wins. Rules of the internet: The men are men. The women are men. The children are the FBI. (really though it is a girl.)

that_one_dude 0

YOU got YOUR SISTER a vibrator!? That's WEIRD!

misterman2 3

LOL, it's less creepy since ur not a guy.

I LAUGHED SO ******* HARD, DEFINANTLY GOING INTO MY FAVS XD Bottom line don’t get your siblings sex toys as gifts, when buying a gift for someone you usually have them in mind and how useful the gift will be to that person. Whether OP is a guy or girl the fact that OP had his/her sister in mind while buying the vibrator is just wrong on so many levels. I dont care how close they are, what did you think your sisters response was going to be? O thank you for this thoughtful gift. unless your gift was meant as a joke theres no reason to be giving a vibrator to your sister

you're a wonderful brother. i hope one day my brother gets me a vibrator for my birthday because that just shows the kind of deep respect and love he has for his little sister. you're an inspiration, my friend.

i'm sure i'm about the 100th person to ask this, but WHAT THE CRAP ARE YOU DOING GIVING YOUR SISTER A *****?! I don't even acknowledge that my brotherhas sex, despite the unfortunate "walk-in" incidents I've had *shudder*.

chitown4lyfe 0

whyyyyyyyyyy would you get that for your sister? are you kidding me?

rafaelaugusto94 0

damn perverted your mind its really dirty...why you give your sister a *****...I bet she has someone that makes it out with her and you dont about it know

shirvon100 0

even this guy knos evry1 needs to get laid