By seriousdubsteplover - 30/10/2009 05:08 - Australia

Today, when going to fill up the kettle, I noticed a bad smell and pieces of something coming out of the tap. Turns out there was a dead snake in my water supply. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 677
You deserved it 2 173

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jchansfan 0

-Eyes light up upon seeing location- CRICKEY ITS A SNAKE! I know, I'm a bad person... =(


sorry but seriously, don't make stereotypes about Australians because we are portrayed to the rest of the world as something completely false and it's rude and irritating. The minority of the population live in bushland, and this person obviously had a snake in their water pipes as they live in the tropical area of Queensland. So learn about a place before you judge it because Australia is the beeeeeeessssstttttt.

If you suddenly start shedding your skin whenever you're wounded, and you can now inject venom into other people/animals by biting them, I suggest that you fight crime in a tight spandex suit.I dibs the rights to the movie!

ohhh...... (sigh) u and vomit date are making me nauseated *help*

Bruce9707 0

Snake? What's happening? ....Snake?!....SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!!!!

Be happy that the snake didn't get into your toilet pipes. One day when you sat down to take a dump, the snake would bite your ass and inject it with venom. Peeing, pooing and sex would be impossibly painful for the next little while :)

yourkiddingright_fml 0