By anonymous - 06/11/2010 22:37 - Canada

Today, while cuddling with my boyfriend in the dark, he grabbed onto a fat roll and asked, "Is this your stomach or boob?" I didn't have the heart to tell him it was a back roll. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 251
You deserved it 26 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thank God you guys hang out in the dark. Multiple lumps like that would be mass confusion.

Stop leaning back so much, OP, or go on a diet. Either one.


Try to change your diet? Im a huge water drinker and eat relatively healthy but Im still rather chubby and the only significant weight I lose is when Im pregnant and have a little booger helping me burn my calories lol Just laugh it off next time something similar happens and tell your boyfriend to stop poking on your lumps. If he was truely bothered by your weight he wouldn't be around..

And before anyone, IF anyone decides to comment on my comment, no pun was intended by calling myself a huge water drinker lol

I think fat people are aliens and should banished fom earth

vict1102 0

i dont think you should've posted this...

vict1102 0

Shut up everyone that said she needs to go on a diet. What if she can't help it? Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. No one can change that. Also, you'll always be perfect to someone- yourself. Your boyfriend is a total dick.

The boyfriend did not intentionally insult the OP. He's not necessarily a dick.

TheDrifter 23

You're right. Beauty is in they eye of the beholder. However any eye beholding the op knows that back ******* are not beautiful. Please stop with the political correctness. Idiocy like telling people who are hundreds of pounds overweight they're beautiful and perfect the way they are is killing thousands in America.

Yes, but I was refering to the OP this time.

Oh FFS! Do you have any idea how rare it is to have a condition that truly prevents you from losing any weight? Why is that everyone's go to defense? Even if you have a disease or disorder that makes it difficult to lose weight, it does not mean you can't. It's not complicated. There are always some modifications you can make to your diet and exercises you can do. You just have to actually do them. There is no reason to infer OP has any issues with losing weight. Her bf sounds pretty damn supportive to me. Presumably he knows what she looks like with the lights on and he is still with her. He knows she has rolls and dived right in.