By anonymous - 06/11/2010 22:37 - Canada

Today, while cuddling with my boyfriend in the dark, he grabbed onto a fat roll and asked, "Is this your stomach or boob?" I didn't have the heart to tell him it was a back roll. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 251
You deserved it 26 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thank God you guys hang out in the dark. Multiple lumps like that would be mass confusion.

Stop leaning back so much, OP, or go on a diet. Either one.


Why is everyone so shallow? Some people are also naturally just big and perfectly healthy. Even if that's not the case who is anyone to judge. I swear to god "fat-phobia" is the problem nowadays. What the f*ck has everyone come to. some of you should be ashamed. Though I know 90% of those people aren't. It's sad.

Yeah, I am not even a little bit ashamed of thinking a morbidly orbese person should lose weight.

Hit send too soon. I'm not shallow. There are a lot of plump people in my life who I love and truly don't care how they look. Shallow people like yourself will try to convince the obese people that they are beautiful regardless of their weight. Because my concern is deeper, I want these people to be healthy. I've never been a skinny girl. I've been curvy since I was in single digits. I became overweight after my second kid. I can personally attest to the fact that losing weight is hard. I also didn't let a little extra weight skewer my self-esteem because I was proud of what my body had done. But I was never under the delusion that it was okay to be heavy. You are truly doing a disservice to people by saying that. Encouraging people to be healthy is the more loving act.

I don't understand ... What does 'back roll' mean ? [He caught her ass ?!]

Ya' know who cares if someone eats too much? Who are you to judge? Food can even be an addiction, just as companies intend. Lots of people do have choices, and just decide to friggen' eat more-why should you care?! Calm down people, you say 'fat' disgusts you-well your train of thought and personality disgusts me. Assholes.

wow "what does he see in you" weight and body are not everything. I winder how ****** up your relationships must be. shallow.

To whom is this comment directed? This is why there's a reply button.

I want to know what is with all the girls on fml showing of there boobs on fml!?!?

Taylah, some girls are insecure enough about themselves that they think showing off their boobs will attract men, despite the fact that men (the good ones, at least) are more interested in a woman's mind than what's under her sweater.

yea thats true i care about the girls inside and mind, but if there is no physical attraction i wouldnt wanna be with her, lets face it im not ******* her brain or personality imma smash her body.. so yesss i agree brain and personality are insanely important and a good body too.. your not gonna sleep with fat guys and if you say you would if he had an amazing personality your lying straight thru your teeth..

Jerz, I had a feeling you were a kid based on your response. There's nothing inherently wrong with that attitude while you're young, but keep in mind that you don't marry a pair of ****. Looks fade and boobs sag with time, but a good personality lasts forever. Well, until senility strikes.

im 20 not a kid, i merely state the facts, yeaaa personality is most important, and mind, but if they have that and you arent physically attracted your relationship wont go further than just friends, cuz be real your not gonna have sex with someone you dont find hot, attractive, gorgeous, w.e.. yeaaa in time your body gets gross haha, but you gotta maintain it and keep it in good shape, your motivation should be to keep yourself in amazing shape for your significant other, if i do it i want someone that puts the same effort into it.. sooo yea looks are very important to me as well, at least im honest and the girl im with always knows she gorgeous since my standards are thru the roof

munkee_6669 0

I'm 12% body fat hello self esteem boost lol

grossed out but yet very turned on by this. WHY?

Shaggy_92 5

fat people are disgusting. Udderly (misspelled on purpose) disgusting.