By anonymous - 06/11/2010 22:37 - Canada

Today, while cuddling with my boyfriend in the dark, he grabbed onto a fat roll and asked, "Is this your stomach or boob?" I didn't have the heart to tell him it was a back roll. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 251
You deserved it 26 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thank God you guys hang out in the dark. Multiple lumps like that would be mass confusion.

Stop leaning back so much, OP, or go on a diet. Either one.


Only reason he could get that wrong is if you're perfectly rounded like a beachball.

Dude (#96) i don't have a reply button on my phone.and its not an iphone

USE THE ******* REPLY BUTTON. Now was using all caps really necessary? for an idiot like you yes it was. ALL of the fml apps have a reply button. use it and quit Bitching. Bitch

aww... well try jogging or somthing prehaps? if not accept the rolls and get the butter.

that's disgusting. lose some weight. what does he see in you?

I am curvy, but not fat enough to have enormous backboobs and such. I am not face ugly either, yet it's hard for me to date. You should have been honest, since he is willing to **** a blob. Maybe he loves you, be honest.

Yeah, but a lot of people use it that way. I've seen women in magazines that they refer to as "curvy", but they are actually pretty fat. People need to start using curvy correctly!

This FML grosses me out. And this is directed to everyone that insists on defending fat people: not every living fat person has some terrible disease that causes them to be so overweight. Okay? A GOOD majority of fat people are fat because they eat terribly and refuse to exercise. And OP is just asking for someone to call her fat! How can she post an FML like this and not expect some insults?

yes I was. your wasting commenting space. use the black arrow at the bottom right hand corner

meowcow 3

you need to hit the gym, lose the pounds, or youll be a busted grenade your whole life, and you will never ever get a spam javolin in your snatch, guys dont like fat chicks aka TANKSSSSSSSSSSSS.. sorry its the truth