By anonymous - 06/11/2010 22:37 - Canada

Today, while cuddling with my boyfriend in the dark, he grabbed onto a fat roll and asked, "Is this your stomach or boob?" I didn't have the heart to tell him it was a back roll. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 251
You deserved it 26 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thank God you guys hang out in the dark. Multiple lumps like that would be mass confusion.

Stop leaning back so much, OP, or go on a diet. Either one.


And he didn't have the heart to tell you you're overweight. He could tell the difference between a boob and a roll just fine

Does he just hit any ol' sweaty crack or roll you in flour to find the wet spot?

Lol idk if your insulting my spelling #87, but that made me laugh my ass off

Schizomaniac 24

Dude. Use the freaking reply button.

TheEvilCookie 0

Tell him it was a roll. Be proud of your body. If your not, earn the body and exercise. If your boyfriends doesn't like you for who you are than just dump him. Listen, no girl is perfect. Fat girls Skinny girls Short girls Tall girls And a lot more. But what you're meant to reach in the end will always be, happiness. I hope this helped -- be confident :)

that was an amazing way to make people confident about themselves *INTERNET HIGH FIVE*

You made me feel better about myself.. I'm about to cry. :*( I'm 5"2, 26 and get made fun of almost averywhere I go. :o

well said. it's nice to see someone who tries to build people up instead of beat them down. a nice change from the immaturity on this site.

Thats not true because even though I eat small, healthy meals throughout the day, go to the gym 4 times a week, and only drink water and tea it still seems I can't lose any weight. But then again I'm not really fat but I'm not skinny either. So I really do think it has to do with the person.

spartan_girl 0

You might be at a healthy weight for your body then, remember that "skinny" isn't necessarily healthy for everyone. Good for you for living a healthy lifestyle! I find it hard to believe that it's healthy to have so much back fat that the boyfriend thought it might be OPs boob, though...although I guess if OP has really small boobs, it wouldn't take much fat... Bottom line, if you're overweight and unhappy, try to make healthy choices and get to a healthy weight. If you're healthy, try to love the body you have! Not everyone has the same "ideal" body, so as long as you are healthy, don't worry about being "skinny" vs. "curvy" vs. "muscular", etc. just be confident and try to be happy :)

Evii_fml 5

Who gives a flying **** why the girl is overweight? She's overweight. Get over it. She's still a human being. So what if she eats too much? Some people drink too much. Some people smoke too much. Some people cuss too much. Some people talk too much. The list goes on and on. People overindulge all the time; does that mean we should degrade them as human beings? No! Stop being so g-damn judgmental! As far as OP is concerned, your boyfriend is dumb if he can't tell the difference between your back and your front, whether he was grabbing a roll or not. You don't have to have the light on to know where the parts of your body are or what part of another person's body is touching you. Durr-hurr.

Schizomaniac 24

Let's all write out a list of things people do too much whenever someone insults someone based on something that affects us.

It doesn't matter whether it affects us or not. The point was we shouldn't judge someone because they do something that's not perfect. People do shit all the time that's not perfect; my post was just giving examples of things that people overindulge in to emphasize the point. People are people, and they do things they're not supposed to do. Most of the time it's not that big of a deal. Get over it.

Schizomaniac 24

Thank you for restating your original post almost exactly; I understand it so much more clearly now. I think it does matter if it affects you or not. Something tells me that you wouldn't have gone off on your raging tangent if you couldn't relate to the 'overindulgence' taking place. People make fun of other people. "Get over it."

Neither making fun of people or overindulging is right. I never said it was. And what if it does affect me? Does that mean I can't stand up for someone that I can relate to or stand up for myself? If someone was making fun of you for whatever reason, would you just sit there and take it? I mean, of course, you get over it, but you wouldn't just sit there and let people talk shit about you. It's not just the people making fun of her for being overweight; I'm tired of people making fun of people for whatever reason there is to make fun of them. It's WRONG, and just because this is the internet does not make it okay. Excuse me for wanting this world to be a happier place. Maybe it won't do any good if I say something, but I feel better at least knowing that I tried.

People only make fun of others because they have their own insecurities they want to hide. It's just the way this world is.

Schizomaniac 24

You have too many points that I care to respond to, but if you're "trying to make the world a better place" with your post, I highly recommend reconsidering your approach.

TheDrifter 23

Yes, make the world a happier non judgmental place. it'll work great right up until half the population dies in their morbidly obese alcoholic "happiness". I however will continue to judge and remind people that some things are just bad ideas, no matter how much you enjoy them at the time.

There's no use in judging them though. It's not going to make a difference. I'm not above telling someone, "Hey, that's an unhealthy thing to do; maybe you shouldn't do it." But to be a dick about it is highly unnecessary. Being a dick is about as effective as my method, which I admit doesn't really work. (Like I said, it just makes me feel better; I never said it actually did any good.) Therefore, the best thing to do, in my opinion, after you've tried your methods, is to get over it. Maybe the person will realize that their lifestyle sucks one day, and they'll change it. Maybe they won't. But is that for me or you to decide or approve of? I think not.

it depends, are you the one who loses a relative due to the hospital systems being cluttered with people with lifestyle diseases, which could've been avoided by making someone realize the truth about themselves? On an unrelated note, "diet" is just your style of eating, it doesn't mean to lose/gain weight through food.

Your method is exactly the same as the method you're complaining about. There is no difference between your telling people to stop being so judgemental and others telling people to lose some weight. You're all just saying it more so you can feel like you did something.

You're right, but to be honest, I just enjoy a good argument, haha. But really, I mean, you can take a horse to water, but you cannot make them drink. The majority of my family has come victim to all of these "overindulgences" I mentioned, and you know what? Telling them their bad habits suck usually just ends up making the problem worse. The only time a person is going to change is when THAT PERSON realizes FOR THEMSELVES that they need to change. It's not up to me to harass them about it when I know they aren't going to listen to me. But does that mean I'm going to stop loving them and stop treating them like human beings just because they have a bad habit? No, because that is wrong, in my opinion.

I agree and I'm certainly not advocating for someone to be treated poorly simply because he/she has a bad habit. It's natural to want to argue your opinions. I'm just saying that some people are just as stubborn in their argumentativeness as others are in their overindulgence. Telling them to stop is usually ineffective.

no offense piguinazul or whatever u need to get a life, u actual have time to write a frikkin essay that is sad so again I say GET A LIFE

I have a life; I go to school and have friends, homework, and that kind of stuff. I'm also an English major with a writing emphasis, so at this time, writing essays IS my life. I have one due on Thursday, in fact. =P! And when it comes for the night to wind down, and I've done everything I've needed to do for the day, my favorite thing to do is to come on here and write essays on FML, just to piss you off. =) Maybe you should look into focusing more on your education, like me, so that you know how to properly form a sentence and to spell the word "penguin".