By anonymous - 06/11/2010 22:37 - Canada

Today, while cuddling with my boyfriend in the dark, he grabbed onto a fat roll and asked, "Is this your stomach or boob?" I didn't have the heart to tell him it was a back roll. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 251
You deserved it 26 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thank God you guys hang out in the dark. Multiple lumps like that would be mass confusion.

Stop leaning back so much, OP, or go on a diet. Either one.


fat chicks r clearly covered in boobies...I'm in

dakins 0

To all that insulted her, ur a heartless son of a bitch that didn't teach u better than to no that if that rotten core u called a heart showed through ud b far more unattractive than some1 who's overweight. Go kill urselfs and better the world dickheads

RebekahBrooke 9

1) obesity is a choice. it is harder for some to stay thin, however it is then up to them to work harder. part of it is genetics- but if you work out and eat right, weight is not a problem, excepting the small chance you have a glandular disease. 2) that's sad in two ways op. pathetic for one. and sad that it happened. it's very embarrassing. but you could have prevented it, so ydi too. good luck. : ,

DGHero 0

@ #4 his reply could be one of many: its only small because your fat is unarousing; or: its only small because I have to go through all of your fat rolls. etc

Honestly that question was of a result of your neglect on your body... Try a gym

XxQuartersxX 14

Uhh. You mean you didnt have the balls. Cause youre a fatty. But thats okay, man. Meat is delicious after all. ;)

Get off the couch drop the Potato chips and get some excersice fat ass