By Anonymous - 01/03/2011 17:32 - United States

Today, while getting it on with my boyfriend, I decided to be spontaneous and do something sexy. I started taking his underwear off with my teeth. My teeth dragged over his shaft, and my braces cut up his foreskin in the process. Now he's not talking to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 758
You deserved it 62 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm surprised you didn't get pubes caught in your teeth

braces and penis do NOT mix. poor guy.


what I find odd is that you were "getting it on" and then decided to take his underwear off. I'm fairly certain that "getting it on" doesn't mean making out.

alexavb15 4

Ha Better Luck Next Time Hun !

alexavb15 4

Hm Cause iCan Do That,? Problem,?

do you think of this stuff as you go? because was hilarious but strange.

deserve it for being filthy by having a foreskin.

RedPillSucks 31

Since OP is a woman, I'm sure she doesn't have foreskin.

shajenjen 0

how old r u 11 u shouldn't be suckin that young

bobsanction 18

Lucky you still have teeth after that.

If you had Invisalign this never would have happened. ;)

Country29 16

Okay well you sound kinda young.. and noone at the age to get braces should be doing stuff like that at all.

missIrene 6

uhh people over 18 can have braces too genius who are you to tell people wat they should and shouldn't be doing?

wiggs5 0

he's probably one of those really weird people who really don't have lives & are really disgusting.. which would explain why he's posting on almost every fml possible? Hm.... oh! but don't get me wrong, some of his responses to things are funny. but this?.. DISGUSTING.

NextBigThing5044 0

Ow, braces ruin people's moments. And what is your boyfriend? Nine? Tell him to grow up its not like you secretly planned on cutting his foreskin.